Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft
International Politics and Society 2/2004



Reading Tips


Cambride Journal of Economics

Ajit K. Ghose: Global inequality and international trade (March 2004)


Development and Change

Keith Griffin: Economic Globalization and Institutions of Global Governance (November 2003)


Development Policy Review

Theme Issue (12 articles): Food Policy Old and New (September/October 2003)


Foreign Affairs

Lee Feinstein/Anne-Marie Slaughter: A Duty to Prevent (January/February 2004)

Colin L. Powell: A Strategy of Partnerships (January/February 2004)


Foreign Policy

Max Boot: Neocons (January/February 2004)

Slavoj Zizek: Iraq's False Promises (January/February 2004)


International Affairs

Amitai Etzioni: A self-restrained approach to nation-building by foreign powers (1/2004)


Neue Gesellschaft/Frankfurter Hefte

Benjamin R. Barber: End of Democracy? (1+2/2004)


Orbis - A Quarterly Journal of World Affairs

Andrew J. Bacevich/ Elizabeth H. Prodromou: God is Not Neutral. Religion and U.S. Foreign Policy after 9/11 (Winter 2004)


The Journal of Economic Perspectives

Alan B. Krueger/Jitka Malecková: Education, Poverty and Terrorism: Is there a causal connection? (Fall 2003)


Third World Quarterly

Central theme (4 articles): Latin American Neopopulism (December 2003)


Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research

Themenschwerpunkt (7 Artikel): Immigration and Labour (Autumn 2003)


World Economics

Interview: Back to the Future. Jeffrey Williamson on globalisation in history (October-December 2003)

Tim Lankester: International Aid. Experience, prospects and the moral case (January-March 2004)


International Organization

Peter J. Katzenstein: Same War - Different Views: Germany, Japan, and Counterterrorism (4/2003)

© Friedrich Ebert Stiftung | net edition malte.michel | 3/2004