Politik und Gesellschaft Online
International Politics and Society 3/2001

Table of Contents 3/2001

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Mahdi Abdul-Hadi
Israelis and Palestinians: Towards a New Chapter of the Conflict

Israel’s peace conditions are unacceptable to the Palestinian people. International diplomacy and Arafat’s struggle for survival might well lead to new rounds of negotiations. But peace hinges on a profound change in Israeli public opinion, which is not in sight for the time being.

Ron Pundak
Israelis and Palestinians: the Price of Peace

Peace demands a high price from both Israelis and Palestinians. Israelis have to revise basic convictions on their security, Palestinians have to give up a great deal of their erstwhile aspirations. But the price has fundamentally been agreed. In spite of current setbacks, peace still has a chance. It is a question of skillful political management.

Roby Nathanson
Israelis and Palestinians: the Need for Economic Cooperation

The Israeli and Palestinian economies are closely interlinked, separation is not a viable option. For the Palestinians, economic cooperation with Israel offers the only road to prosperity. Israel, too, benefits from it. But full co-operation needs peace and a sovereign Palestinian state.

Wolfgang Quaisser / John Hall
Making the European Union Fit for Eastern Enlargement

With its present policy regimes in place, the EU will not be able to cope with the consequences of eastern enlargement. Until 2006, decision-making should be streamlined, the Common Agricultural Policy thoroughly overhauled and regional policy relegated to the national level. Structural policy should promote income convergence between Eastern and Western countries.


Shahid Ashraf
Children Laborers Without Alternatives

Campaigns like Rugmark have sensitized the Indian polity on the issue of child labor. In fact, the employment of children has declined in the carpet industry. However, rescued children are left without real alternatives. The key is not education but integrated rural development.

© Friedrich Ebert Stiftung | net edition malte michel | 7/2001