Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft
International Politics and Society 4/2003



Reading Tips

The Brown Journal of World Affairs

Paul Kennedy / Richard Perle / Joseph S. Nye Jr.: The Reluctant Empire: In a Time of Great Consequence (Summer/Fall 2003)


Foreign Affairs

Joseph S. Nye Jr.: U.S. Power and Strategy After Iraq (July/August 2003)

Kenneth M. Pollack: Securing the Gulf (July/August 2003)


Foreign Policy

Yashing Huang / Tarun Khanna: Can India Overtake China? (July/August 2003)

Victor D. Cha / David C. Kang: The Korea Crisis (May/June 2003)


Journal of Democracy

Alfred Stepan / Graeme B. Robertson: An “Arab” More Than a “Muslim” Democracy Gap (July 2003)


The National Interest

Jack Snyder: Imperial Temptations (Spring 2003)


New Left Review

Giovanni Arrighi: Tracking Global Turbulence (March/April 2003)


Politics & Society

Mieke Meurs / Rasika Ranasinghe: De-Development in Post-Socialism: Conceptual and Measurement Problems (March 2003)


Review of World Economics

Stanley Fischer: Financial Crises and Reform of the International Financial System (Number 1, 2003)


World Economics

Paul De Grauwe / Filip Camerman: Are Multinationals Really Bigger Than Nations? (April-June 2003)

Samuel Brittan: Weapons Exports. The Bogus Moral Dilemma (April-June 2003)

Alexander Sarris: The Impact of Globalization on Rural Poverty (April-June 2003)

© Friedrich Ebert Stiftung | net edition malte.michel | 9/2003