Journal for Global Trends, Foreign Policy, International
Relations, World Economy, Country Analyses
multi-disciplinary and pluralistic
Number of editions per year: four
Edited by: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, D-53170
Bonn, Germany, tel +49-(0)228-883 201, 883 210, fax: +49-(0)228-88
36 25, e-mail:,
Editorial board: Marika
Lerch (managing editor, since October 2003), Hans Mathieu
(review editor), Erfried Adam, Hans Blumenthal, Matthes Buhbe,
Michael Dauderstädt, Dieter Dettke, Dietmar Dirmoser, Michael
Ehrke, Ernst Hillebrand, Andrä Gärber, Christiane Kesper, Joachim
Knoop, Albrecht Koschützke, Uwe Optenhögel, Alfred Pfaller,
Jürgen Stetten, Barbara Stiegler, Rudolf Traub-Merz, Winfried
Veit, Lothar Witte
Editorial assistance: Gerda Axer-Dämmer
Internet: Malte
Advisory board: Leszek Balcerowicz, Jeff Bridgford,
Ernst-Otto Czempiel, Alfred Grosser, Klaus Hänsch, Gerd
Junne, Catherine McArdle Kelleher, Hans-Ulrich Klose, György
Konrád, Koo Bon Ho, Michael Lipton, Vincent Maphai, Hanns
Maull, Dieter Nohlen, Ewald Nowotny, Riccardo Petrella, Gerd
Rosenthal, Hans-Peter Schneider, Heinz Timmermann, Ernst-Ulrich
von Weizsäcker
Orders from the Americas:
Transaction Publishers, tel: 732-445-1245, 888-999-6778,
fax: 732-445-3138,
From the rest of the world: Verlag J.H.W. Dietz
Nachfolger GmbH, Dreizehnmorgenweg 24, D-53175 Bonn, tel: +49-(0)228-23
80 83, fax: +49-(0)228-23 41 04
or directly with us:
Prices: Single issue: Euro 10.20 / sFr 20.00;
Subscription: Euro 34.80 / sFr 64.00 per year