Politik und Gesellschaft
Online International Politics and Society 3/2000 |
Contents 3/2000 Beiträge / Articles
WAHL Wachsender Widerstand gegen den
WTO-Prozess entspringt nicht der Unkenntnis der Freihandelsvorzüge, sondern
dem Mißtrauen gegenüber einer zutiefst undemokratischen „Global Governance“.
Den Völkern wird die Macht über die politische Gestaltung ihrer Lebensumstände
entzogen, indem der Primat der Marktöffnung gegenüber allen anderen Belangen
festgeschrieben wird.
M. WACHTEL The Washington Consensus lent political muscle to the intrusion of the global market into the domains of the nation state. The WTO has become the center piece of its new world order. But it evinces signals of decay just when it seems to have succeeded in re-shaping the world after its tenets. The defeat of MAI and the events of Seattle 1999 point to growing resistance.
E. KULESSA / JAN A. SCHWAAB Nationale Umweltpolitik kommt ohne
internationale Absicherung nicht recht voran. Die „Ökologisierung“ der
Welthandelsordnung macht mühsame Fortschritte. Wirksamer als Ökoklauseln
sind indes multilaterale Umweltabkommen wie die zum Artenschutz und
zum Schutz der Ozonsphäre. BARRY
conventional wisdom has it, high growth of the US economy in the 1990s
was the belated result of publicly financed breakthroughs in information
technology which occurred more than a decade before. The neglect of
publicly financed R&D as well as of wage-fed demand threatens to
sabotage future growth and perpetuate extreme inequality. HEINER
open capital markets, currencies of industrializing countries have a
tendency to first become overvalued and then collapse. Ultimately, free
movement of capital is not compatible with differences in inflation.
But even convergence in inflation rates will not stop exchange rates
from taking „random walks“. Only coordinated intervention can avoid
costly misalignments. FRANZ
and Japanese companies can no longer protect their employees’ interests
by internalizing labor market functions. External labor markets will
have to take over. But they need to be developed. Capital markets, in
turn, will not easily dislodge stable dominant-owner-based patterns
of corporate control. KAI
of terrorists have appeared on the scene. Altogether, terrorism will
be on the rise as the discontents of modernization and globalization
increase and unsettled issues of statehood re-emerge. Effective deployment
of ABC weapons is unlikely but cannot be ruled out completely. Cyberterrorism
has the most „promising“ future. |
© Friedrich Ebert Stiftung | technical support | net edition malte michel | 7/2000 |