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GLOBSEC and FES ROCPE Launch Cooperative Security Intiative at 2019 Bratislava Forum


Wed, 06/12/2019



Globally recognized researchers and experts convene in Bratislava to re-energize multilateralism, 6-8 June, 2019

BRATISLAVA (June 6, 2019) – Against the backdrop of a deteriorating European security environment throughout the OSCE area and lack of constructive diplomatic dialogue, a cooperative approach to enhance security is being challenged. With multilateralism under strain, GLOBSEC and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Regional Office for Cooperation and Peace in Europe (FES ROCPE) officially launched the Cooperative Security Initiative (CSI) at the GLOBSEC 2019 Bratislava Forum.  Present for the launch to show their support for the Initiative was Ambassador Róbert Kirnág, Head of Task Force for the OSCE Chairmanship and OSCE Secretary General Thomas Greminger.

The CSI is designed to facilitate an „open intellectual debate” to identify areas of cooperation and explore common responses to perceived threats throughout the OSCE area. Generating ideas on how to enhance cooperative security and multilateralism throughout the OSCE aligns with the current priorities of Slovakia’s Chairmanship of the OSCE and an undertaking they are proud to endorse.

Through Charing the OSCE, Slovakia – even more than before- sees the challenges of the current security environment, and recognizes the urgent need for more co-operative approaches to improve the situation,“ said Ambassador Róbert Kirnág.” I hope this initiative can generate ideas and promote dialogue to reduce tensions, rebuild trust, and return to a more cooperative approach to security.  The key to success will be to plug any new ideas and impulses back into multilateral processes,” added OSCE Secretary General Thomas Greminger.

The length of the initiative is scheduled to last 12 to 18 months and will be co-chaired by GLOBSEC and FES ROCPE. The CSI will work collectively to reinforce political dialogue and inter-state efforts to rebuild the foundations of European security.  It will be composed of up to 20 practitioners, both equal number of male and female, who will represent a geographically diverse area. The OSCE Secretariat, working in conjunction with the OSCE Chairmanship, will look to support the co-chairs where possible and to facilitate inter-action between this Track II initiative and the OSCE. Preliminary findings of the CSI will be presented at the OSCE Ministerial Meeting in December in Bratislava.

We’re delighted to be partnering with FES ROCPE through the CSI that will assemble world class experts to contribute viable ideas and policies to help bring about more stability to the European security landscape,“ said Ratislav Káčer, Chairman, GLOBSEC. Reinhard Krumm, head of the FES Regional Office for Cooperation and Peace in Europe added, that” an initiative which is aimed to bring back cooperative security to Europe is very much welcomed and very much needed.”

Taking place 6-8 June in Slovakia’s capital city, the 14th edition of GLOBSEC’s Bratislava Forum, is an established and essential meeting place that brings together political and business leaders, visionaries and innovators who share a common determination to make the world a better and safer place. The GLOBSEC Bratislava Forum hosts annually more than 1000 participants from around 70 countries. The combination of the events will enhance both their potential and networking possibilities.


GLOBSEC was founded in 1993, shortly after Slovakia became an independent state, by a group diplomats. GLOBSEC supports transatlantic cooperation and actively shapes the security and international policy debate in Central Europe and beyond by fostering dynamic involvement of the Slovak Republic and Central Europe in international affairs.

GLOBSEC provides platforms for advancing Central Europe’s point of view in European and transatlantic foreign and security policy- making through events such as GLOBSEC Bratislava Forum, GLOBSEC Tatra Summit, Château Béla Central European Strategic Forum, GLOBSEC Chat, and several other meetings, roundtables and discussions.

Its mission is to provide assistance and inspiration to transitional nations on their path towards democracy and stability and assists young professionals in the field of international relations, security and politics in achieving their leadership potential and improve their academic performance. It seeks to enable them to apply their experience in areas of their professional activity.

About FES Regional Office for Cooperation and Peace in Europe (FES ROCPE)

The goal of FES ROCPE in Vienna is to come to terms with the challenges of peace and security in Europe since the collapse of the Soviet Union a quarter of a century ago. The cooperative security order of Europe based until recently on the Helsinki Final Act (1975), the Paris Charter (1990) and the Astana Commemorative declaration towards a security community (2010), is under threat. For these reasons, FES ROCPE supports the revival of a peace and security dialogue and the development of new concepts in the spirit of solution-oriented policy. The aim is to bring scholars and politicians from Eastern Europe, Russia, the EU and the US together to develop a common approach to tackle the challenges, to reduce tensions and to aim towards conflict resolution. For more information please visit



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