Aktueller Programmhinweis: Zeitzeuginnengespräch/ Generation Talk: “The Events of the War are With Me All the Time“, 4. Mai

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The Events of the War are With Me All the Time. Die KZ-Überlebende Barbara Piotrowska spricht 79 Jahre nach Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs über ihre Gefangenschaft als Kind, ihre Überlebensstrategien und ihre Heimkehr nach der Befreiung. Gemeinsam mit ihrer Tochter Katarzyna Piotrowska-Cholewińska werden wir über die Bedeutung des Erinnerns in der Familie und für unsere demokratische Zukunft nachdenken: Das Zeitzeuginnengespräch in Kooperation mit der KZ-Gedenkstätte Neuengamme findet am 4.5.24 um 17 Uhr in der Freien Akademie der Künste Hamburg in englischer und polnischer Sprache statt.



Generation Talk with Survivor Barbara Piotrowska and Her Daughter

Barbara Piotrowska, née Stachowicz, was born in Lviv in 1935. The family moved to Warsaw in 1939. After the invasion of the German Wehrmacht, the Polish intelligentsia, the scientific elite and the Jewish population in particular were harassed and persecuted. Barbara's family was arrested during the Warsaw Uprising. Via the transit camp in Pruszkow, the family was deported together with others in a large transport to Germany in October 1944. Men and boys over 16 were sent to the Neuengamme concentration camp, women and girls to the Ravensbrück concentration camp.

Antoni Stachowicz died in the Neuengamme concentration camp in December 1944, Barbara and her mother Marta survived the Ravensbrück concentration camp and returned to Poland in 1945.

79 years after the end of World War II, we will talk with Barbara Piotrowska about her imprisonment as a child, her survival strategies and her return home after the liberation. Together with her daughter Katarzyna Piotrowska-Cholewińska, we will then talk about passing on the memory within their family.

Moderation: Ulrike Jensen (Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial)

A cooperation of the Neuengamme Concentration Camp Memorial with the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation. Supported by: "Landeszentrale für politische Bildung der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg".


  • Please note: The event will be held in English and Polish only.
  • The admission is free, registration is required. 

Saturday, May 4, 2024 5 p.m. – 7 p.m.

Freie Akademie der Künste in Hamburg e.V.

Klosterwall 23 I 20095 Hamburg



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