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The new EU energy package is inadequate!

A plea for a drastic yet exemplary change in climate policy
Berlin;Bonn, 2007

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Auf dem Weg zu einer integrierten Energie- und Klimaaußenpolitik der EU

Berlin;Bonn, 2007

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Hirschfeld, Yair

The complex puzzle of Israeli Arab peace making

an Israeli view
Herzliya, 2007, 2008

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Peace and conflict impact assessment

[prepared as part of a pilot project organised by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) at the FES Topic Centre for Civil Conflict Management (Islamabad) in cooperation with the FES office in Afghanistan ...
Berlin;Bonn, 2008

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African Regional Experts Meeting on the Future Role and Reform of the IMF

Conference summary

Berlin, 2007, 2009-

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Monitoring the implementation of minority rights on the local level

a handbook
Berlin, 2014

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Rubin, Barnett R.; Guáqueta, Alexandra

Fighting drugs and building peace

towards policy coherence between counter-narcotics and peace building
NewYork;Bonn, 2007

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Abraham, Meghna

Building the new Human Rights Council

outcome and analysis of the institution-building year
Genf;Bonn, 2007

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Stiglitz, Joseph E.; Griffith-Jones, Stephany

Growth with responsibility in a globalized world

findings of the Shadow G-8
Berlin;Bonn, 2007

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Martin, Brendan

The World Bank, railways privatisation and trades unions

by Brendan Martin. - Bonn : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Int. Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, Globale Gewerkschaftspolitik, 2007. - [4] Bl. = 230 KB, PDF-File. - (Briefing papers
Bonn, 2007

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Hofmann, Katharina

Kontroverse Wahrnehmungen: chinesische, afrikanische und europäische Perspektiven auf den China-Afrika Gipfel

Katharina Hofmann, Jürgen Kretz, Michael Roll und Sebastian Sperling. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Internationale Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, Referat Asien und Pazifik ; Referat Afrika. - Bonn, 2006. - 168 KB, PDF-File. - ([Hintergrundberichte
Bonn, 2006

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Fandrych, Sabine

China in Angola

nachhaltiger Wiederaufbau, kalkulierte Wahlkampfhilfe oder globale Interessenpolitik?
Bonn, 2006

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Draper, Peter; Alves, Philip; Kalaba, Mmatlou

South Africa's international trade diplomacy

implications for regioanl integration
Bonn, 2006

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Frieden braucht Frauen!

Erwartungen an die neu gegründete Kommission zur Friedenskonsolidierung
Bonn, 2006

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The EU's new strategy for Africa

real and effective multilateralism?
Bruessel, 2006, 2007

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