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Belarus change tracker

December 2022 - February 2023
Kyiv, 2023

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Horn, Gustav

Innovation policy in times of change

The new relationship between state and market
Budapest, 2023

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Czirfusz, Márton

The battery boom in Hungary

Companies of the value chain, outlook for workers and trade unions
Budapest, 2023

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Bajrami, Egzon

Prices fluctuation of agricultural products and of basic basket in the last decade

Measures to withstand inflation in uncertain economic circumstances
Prishtina, 2023

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Klein, Felix; Baker, Nadim

China and its central bank digital currency

Is the E-Yuan a role model for Europe and the Euro system?
Bonn, 2023

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Rehbein, Kristina

Bailout for Egypt or the IMF?

The IMF programme in Egypt
LaMarsa, 2023

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Lupuşor, Adrian; Madan, Stas

Top 5 the most important positive and negative economic developments in 2022, and the challenges for 2023

Chisinau, 2023

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Topuria, Salome; Khundadze, Tato

Neoliberal lock-in

Why Georgia-EU free trade does not work
Tbilisi, 2023

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Dhimolea, Antonela

Open Balkan

A step forward towards common regional market
Tirana, 2022

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Jakurti, Edison

Limitations and prospects of economic relations between the Republic of Kosova and Serbia

Prishtina, 2022

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Belarus change tracker

September - November 2022
Kyiv, 2022

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Davlikanova, Olena; Osadchuk, Inna

Analytical report

Work of the future ; Foresight: developments in agriculture, forestry and fisheries in Ukraine as a result of technological change
Kyiv, 2022

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Crawford, Rosa

Beyond Brexit

Promoting workersʿ rights, decent jobs, and standards through UK-EU domestic advisory groups
London, 2022

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Operational guidelines for the code of conduct for the Namibian informal economy

Windhoek, 2022

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Muhumuza, Fred K.

Functionality and effectiveness of SACCOS in reducting poverty and vulnerability in Uganda

A case study of informal traders and transporters in Greater Kampala
Kampala, 2022

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