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Migration policy

Annette Schlicht
+49 30 26935-7486
Joana Marta Sommer
030 26935-8304

Human Mobility in a Globalized World

For a variety of reasons, human beings always were, are, and will be moving from place to place, Thus, from a social democratic perspective, migration clearly is not a problem we have to solve; rather, it is a challenge we want to accept. In our vision of the future, migration and mobility must be managed with fairness. This is a vision based on the values of human rights and global solidarity.


Under the motto “Managing global migration fairly,” we have prepared ten messages for the migration policy of the future. You can order the postcards and flyers about them at no charge.

Articles on migration policy

A woman writes "Worship your God" in Arabic, while a group of young volunteers paint a mural with the symbol of peace on a wall on the outskirts of Damascus.

International Women's Day: Not only part of the conversation, but leading the way

Displacement, Migration, Integration | Migration policy | Gender Weltweit

“Women have been at the forefront of the struggle […] and turned into leaders.”, says Sana Mustafa. Why Syrian women are critical for the future of...

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Venezuelan migrants show their passports.

Migration as a development opportunity: insights from Venezuela

Displacement, Migration, Integration | Migration policy

Using the example of Venezuelan migrants, regional studies show how receiving countries in Latin America already benefit economically. But the...

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Participants of the Feminist Forum on Migration & Displacement 2024 working on a wall poster.

Care Work at a Cost: The Plight of Migrant Domestic Workers

Displacement, Migration, Integration | Migration policy | Gender Weltweit

There is a need for intersectional feminist policies and collective action to address the conditions of migrant domestic workers. An article on the...

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esidents survey the destruction along a rubble-strewn road in Maarrat Misrin, northern Idlib governorate, on December 2, 2024 after an airstrike .

Time, safety and stability key to refugee return to Syria

Displacement, Migration, Integration | Integration Policy | Migration policy

Why the call for Syrian refugees to be returned as soon as possible undermines the prospects of successful (re)integration and what should be done...

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Berlin, sign in the entrance area of the Welcome Centre - advice centre of the Berlin Senate Commissioner for Integration and Migration.

Intercultural opening in public administration: A look at Berlin

Displacement, Migration, Integration | Migration policy

Any successful strategy in the fight against the shortage of skilled workers must include employees with a migration background, says Katarina...

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Shaping migration - justly and globally!

Ten messages for a change of perspective on migration and mobility. more

Migration policy in the spotlight

Human mobility in a globalized world

At bottom migration is all about mobility. People move from one place to another, often more than once in their lives, and not always with the intention of staying there permanently. This phenomenon is as old as humanity itself. Nevertheless, globalization has altered human mobility in profound ways. Today, because transportation and communication have gotten cheaper and border controls have been relaxed, it has become easier for people to cross international borders. The opportunity to be mobile, to travel, and to explore the world is the hallmark of a modern society. Today, new forms of temporary and circular (repeated) migration have emerged alongside permanent emigration and immigration.

Very few of us can just “be mobile” without further ado.

The opportunity to enjoy trans-border mobility all around the world is still a privilege limited to a relatively small number of people. In most cases, when people cross borders, they do so for vacations or business opportunities. One's citizenship is a ticket that either opens or shuts the gates to the world. Here too, we must not overlook the high costs associated with trans-border mobility By international standards the citizens of European countries enjoy the privilege of moving about the world fairly freely. They have the most “powerful” passports in the world. Only citizens of Singapore can travel to more countries without first applying for a visa and meeting strict stipulations. People from Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan have the least freedom from visa requirements. As a general observation, the more deeply afflicted by war and violence a country happens to be, the less likely it is that its citizens will be able to leave it under regular rules. Just when  getting a visa could offer an opportunity to escape a life-threatening situation, it becomes almost impossible to obtain one.

Safe and risky mobility

It makes a great deal of difference whether one is traveling or moving to a sunnier location to enhance one's quality of life or is being forced to move in order to survive and feed a family. For tourists, crossing borders hardly entails danger or privations. By contrast, migrant workers and refugees are among the groups at the greatest risk of experiencing violence and exploitation.

Access to safe mobility for every person

There is no way to reconcile our sense of justice with the fact that access to mobility is so unequally distributed and that mobility is associated with such extraordinary risks for certain individuals. Every human being should have the opportunity to become mobile. Regardless of their citizenship, people ought to have recourse to safe, orderly ways to leave their homes, move to a different place, and start building a new life for themselves.

The United Nations Compact on Migration: implementing a milestone

The Global Compact for Safe, Regular, and Orderly Migration is a milestone in international migration policy. In it, the member states have agreed on the ways in which they want to manage migration. The Migration Compact includes concrete guidelines, goals, and measures. These range from the improvement of regular migration channels to the fight against smugglers and human trafficking and to better integration of migrants into society and the labor market. The Migration Compact is linked to Agenda 2030, approved in September, 2015. It consistently refers to the close relationship between migration and sustainable development. Now that the Compact has been approved (in December, 2018), the next step is to implement it.

In accordance with the principle of sovereignty, individual countries are supposed to assume responsibility for developing their own plans to put it into effect at the national level. Here, Germany can set a good example and establish the relevant criteria. Implementation is to be evaluated at the regional level, while global conferences are to be scheduled every four years.  The Friedrich Ebert Stiftung insists that the Migration Compact be implemented in ways that encourage participation, build on a human rights foundation, and focus on development. To achieve those goals we are working together with labor unions, migrant organizations, think tanks, and non-governmental organizations.

Current data on migration and mobility

The migration data portal supplies current data on global migration movements. The metrocosm map enables us to visualize migration flows from one country to another. The global passport power ranking lists passports with the greatest freedom from visa requirements. The Federal Center for Political Education (BpB) furnishes extensive facts and figures on migration and globalization. The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) offers up-to-date numbers and statistics for Germany. Finally, the Experts' Council of the German Foundation for Integration and Migration (SVR) provides a glossary offering a wide-ranging overview of the most important concepts involved in flight and migration.

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