All Publications

An EU future fund: why and how?

Background paper of the Progressive EU Fiscal Policy Network
Bonn, 2024

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NISO position paper on the Namibia informal economy

A vital source of livelihood for the urban and rural poor
Windhoek, 2024

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Prohniţchi, Valeriu

Fiscal and budgetary aspects of the reintegration of the Republic of Moldova

Chisinau, 2024

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Grabosch, Robert

The EU supply chain directive

Global protection for people and the environment
Bonn, 2024

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Palmér Rivera, Marika; Pelling, Lisa

The life we live here

Conversations about climate change and the green transition
Stockholm, 2024

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Naumoska, Emilija

Young engineers and the just energy transition in North Macedonia

Skopje, 2024

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Toward innovation-driven growth

Innovation systems and policies in EU member states of Central Eastern Europe ; Country briefing Bulgaria
Budapest, 2024

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Toward innovation-driven growth

Innovation systems and policies in EU member states of Central Eastern Europe ; Country briefing Croatia
Budapest, 2024

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Toward innovation-driven growth

Innovation systems and policies in EU member states of Central Eastern Europe ; Country briefing Czechia
Budapest, 2024

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Toward innovation-driven growth

Innovation systems and policies in EU member states of Central Eastern Europe ; Country briefing Estonia
Budapest, 2024

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Toward innovation-driven growth

Innovation systems and policies in EU member states of Central Eastern Europe ; Country briefing Hungary
Budapest, 2024

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Toward innovation-driven growth

Innovation systems and policies in EU member states of Central Eastern Europe ; Country briefing Latvia
Budapest, 2024

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Toward innovation-driven growth

Innovation systems and policies in EU member states of Central Eastern Europe ; Country briefing Lithuania
Budapest, 2024

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Toward innovation-driven growth

Innovation systems and policies in EU member states of Central Eastern Europe ; Country briefing Poland
Budapest, 2024

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Toward innovation-driven growth

Innovation systems and policies in EU member states of Central Eastern Europe ; Country briefing Romania
Budapest, 2024

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