All Publications

Ocampo Gaviria , José Antonio

Reforming the international monetary and financial architecture

Berlin, 2014

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Economic development - vocational education - wealth for Albania

outcomes and recommendations of the national conference 22 October 2013
Tirana, 2014

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Eberhardt, Pia

Investment protection at a crossroads

the TTIP and the future of international investment law
Berlin, 2014

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Rahman, Mustafizur; Khan, Towfiqul Islam; Amin, Muhammad Al

The economy of tomorrow - how to produce socially just, sustainable and green dynamic growth for a good society

case study of Bangladesh
Dhaka, 2014

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A caring and sustainable economy

a concept note from a feminist perspective
Berlin, 2014

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Pasha, Hafiz A.

Economy of tomorrow: case study of Pakistan

Islamabad, 2014

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Saxer, Marc

Fighting corruption in transformation societies

Bangkok, 2014

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Pedroso, Paulo

Portugal and the global crisis

the impact of austerity on the economy, the social model and the performance of the state
Berlin, 2014

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Ruiz Garcia, Sonia

Austerity policy from a feminist perspective

the Spanish case
Berlin, 2013

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Dauderstädt, Michael; Keltek, Cem

Crisis, austerity and cohesion

Europe's stagnating inequality
Berlin, 2014

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Dente, Giancarlo

Social cohesion and the state in times of austerity

Giancarlo Dente. - Berlin : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Western Europe/North America, 2014. - 12 S. = 2,1 MB PDF-File. - (Study
Berlin, 2014

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Annesley, Claire

UK austerity policy - a feminist perspective

Claire Annesley. - Berlin : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Western Europe/North America, 2014. - 8 S. = 1,5 MB PDF-File. - (Study
Berlin, 2014

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Platzer, Hans-Wolfgang; Rüb, Stefan

International framework agreements

an instrument for enforcing social human rights?
Berlin, 2014

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Ban, Cornel; Gabor, Daniela

Recalibrating conventinal wisdom: Romania-IMF relations under secrutiny

Bucharest, 2016

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Alili, Ziya; Hasanov, Rashad; Bayramov, Farhad

Competitiveness in Azerbaijan

assessing sectorial economic policies
Tbilisi, 2016

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