All Publications

Ggoobi, Ramathan; Wabukala, Benard Musekese; Ntayi, Joseph

Economic development and industrial policy in Uganda

Kampala, 2017

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Schroeder, Wolfgang; Greef, Samuel; Schreiter, Benedikt

Shaping digitalisation

Industry 4.0 - work 4.0 - regulation of the platform economy
Berlin, 2017

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Towards socially just development in the MENA region

Tunis, 2017

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Klepo, Marina; Bićanić, Ivo; Ivankovič, Željko

Slučaj Agrokor: Kriza najveće hrvatske kompanije

Zagreb, 2017

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Mondekar, Daniel

The digital economy in Southeast Europe

Opportunities and challenges
Zagreb, 2017

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Schröder, Philipp; Schröder, Elina

Entrepreneurship in Kyrgyzstan

adjustments to a changing economic environment
Bishkek, 2017

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Gussarova, Anna; Aminjonov, Farkhod; Khon, Yevgeniy

The Eurasian Economic Union and the Silk Road Economic Belt

Competition or convergence? : Implications for Central Asia
Almaty, 2017

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Sotiropoulos, Dimitri A.

Reform dynamics in Greek democracy today

Stagnation and reform in rule of law, mass media and social inclusion
Athens, 2017

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Yazigi, Jihad

Destruct to reconstruct

How the Syrian regime capitalises on property destruction and land legislation
Berlin, 2017

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Saxer, Marc

The human economy

The social democratic path to decent livelihoods and development in digital capitalism
NewDelhi, 2017

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Are the multilateral organizations fighting inequality?

2017 financial impact report executive summary
Berlin, 2017

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Reindustrialise Eastern Europe?

Perspectives of progressive economic policy in the counries of the Eastern partnership, Russia and Germany
Kyiv, 2017

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Chi, Do Quynh

The missing link in the chain?

Trade regimes and labour standards in the garment, footwear and electronics supply chains in Vietnam
Hanoi, 2017

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Saxer, Marc

Practical guide to transformative change making

NewDelhi, 2017

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Dauderstädt, Michael

From crisis to cohesion

Restoring growth in Southern Europe
Berlin, 2017

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