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Bakvis, Peter; Howard, James

Reform of the global financial architecture and of the role of the international financial institutions

the labour movement's perspective
Bonn, 2000

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Galindo, Luis Miguel

The role of the IMF from the Mexican perspective

Bonn, 2000

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Roudan, Obaid El-; Ardah, Fawzi S. Al-; Bedour, Talat al

Tourism economics in Jordan

essential facilities and marketing
Bonn, 2004

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Daoud, Ra'ed

Water resources & their economics in Jordan

Bonn, 2004

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Kahn, Brian

Debates over IMF reform in South Africa

Bonn, 2000

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Maull, Hanns W.

Crisis in Asia

origins and implications ; preliminary version
, 1999

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Griffith-Jones, Stephany

A new financial architecture for reducing risks and severity of crises

, 1999

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Eatwell, John

Towards an effective regulation of international capital market

, 1999

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Bungarten, Pia

The crisis of Thailand and the International Monetary Fund

, 1999

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Piotrowski, Ralph

Eco-labelling in the globalised economy

, 1999

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Euro-Mediterranean Partnership Conference on Economic Development, Industrial Relations and the Role of Trade Union Organisations

, 2000

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Singh, Kavaljit

India and global financial markets

emerging issues, lessons and responses
, 2000

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Appropriate technology for small and medium enterprises in SADC countries

papers presented to the workshop of the SEPAC Working Group "Information, Technology and Technology Transfer", Kanye, 2-3 November 1998
Bonn, 2000

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Frenkel, Roberto

The international financial architecture issues in Argentina

, 2000

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Chambers of commerce and industry as small business service providers

opportunities and challenges ; papers presented to the workshop of the SEPAC Working Group "Entrepreneurship Development and Training", Windhoek, 2-3 October 1998
Bonn, 1999

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