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Hartmann, Eva; Scherrer, Christoph

Negotiations on trade in services

the position of the trade unions on GATS
Berlin, 2003

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Eglin, Michaela

The general agreement on trade in services (GATS)

a background note
Berlin, 2003

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Money laundering and tax havens

Berlin, 2003

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Harding, Rebecca

Dynamic Germany?

The role of policy in enabling markets

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Pfaller, Alfred

Upholding democracy in the globalized world

three fundamental policy options
Bonn, 2002

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Pfaller, Alfred

System transformation and social protection

[Alfred Pfaller]. - Bonn : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Internat. Politik-Analyse, [2002. - 2] Bl. = 24 KB, Text. - (Policy information
Bonn, 2002

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Environmental human rights & other trade treaties relevant to Kenya

, 2003

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The World Trade Organization (WTO) agreements

their impact on Kenya
Nairobi, 2003

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Regional integration of trade in professional services

Nairobi, 2003

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Directory of support services for small & medium enterprises in Jordan

Bonn, 2004

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Hofmann, Norbert von; Schweißhelm, Erwin

China's membership in the WTO

a headache for neighbouring labour markets?
Bonn, 2003

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Mayer, Peter; Schweißhelm, Erwin

In preparation for ASEM IV

challenges and perspectives for making the Asia-Europe-Meeting more meaningful
Bonn, 2002, 2008

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Financing local self government

case-studies from Germany, Slovenia and Croatia
Bonn, 2003

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Nathanson, Roby

Economic co-operation between Israelis and Palestinians

the need for economic co-operation

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Raffer, Kunibert

Let countries go bankrupt

the case for fair and transparent debt arbitration

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