Drapak, Mykhailo

Adaptive partnership

Implementation of the agreements between the presidents of Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova of January 2021
Kyiv, 2022

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Gerasymchuk, Sergiy

Analysis of the bilateral Ukraine-Moldova relations

Problematic and promising dimensions of cooperation
Kyiv, 2022

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Proko, Erisa

Harnessing the power of women in the security agenda

Achievements and challenges in mainstreaming and implementation of the women, peace, and security agenda in Albania from the public opinion perspective
Tirana, 2022

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Katsioulis, Christos; Dienes, Alexandra; Weiss, Simon

Mind the red line

Limits of European engagement in Russiaʿs war against Ukraine
Wien, 2022

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Jakurti, Edison

Limitations and prospects of economic relations between the Republic of Kosova and Serbia

Prishtina, 2022

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Matsukevich, Pavel; Astapenia, Ryhor

The degradation of Belarusian foreign policy

A proposed course correction
Kyiv, 2022

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Yeliseyeu, Andrei; Aleszko-Lessels, Olga

Relations between Belarus and China in 2020 - 2022

What lies behind the 'all-weather partnership"
Kyiv, 2022

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Belarus change tracker

September - November 2022
Kyiv, 2022

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The Return of the West?

30 Years of the "End of History"
Bonn, 2022

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Krašeninnikov, Fëdor

Limitations of anti-war messaging oriented at Russians

Bonn, 2022

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Krašeninnikov, Fëdor

Why does the Kremlin's propaganda remain effective in wartime?

Bonn, 2022

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Bikanau, Philipp

Belarusian identity in 2022

A quantitative study
Kyiv, 2022

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Neidhardt, Alberto-Horst

Disinformation on refugees from Ukraine

Boosting Europe's resilience after Russia's invasion
Brussels, 2022

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Meinardus, Ronald

Partners, not friends

Greek public opinion(s) on Germany
Athens, 2022

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Khan, Amina

Afghanistan Monitor

Islamabad, 2022

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