Shaping the World Justly - Publications


Strohe, Stefan

Copenhagen 2009

how to finance climate policy
NewYork;Bonn, 2009

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Light, Andrew

America is serious about climate action

global support for a new international consensus is key to success at Copenhagen
WashingtonDC, 2009, 2010

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The Middle East - peace by piece

the quest for a solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict
Amman;Bonn, 2009

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Kneissl, Karin

UNIFIL: How and until when will the "interim" continue?

Analysis on UNIFIL II ; three years after
Beirut;Bonn, 2010

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Richter, Björn

Environmental challenges and the controversy about palm oil production

case studies from Malaysia, Indonesia and Myanmar
Berlin;Bonn, 2009

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Kuch, Elena

The winding road to Copenhagen

Elena Kuch. - New York : Friedrich Ebert Foundation, 2009. - 690 KB, PDF-File. - (Dialogue on globalization
NewYork;Bonn, 2009

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Neuneck, Götz

Globalizing nuclear zero

is a world without nuclear weapons really attainable?
Bonn, 2009

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Grätz, Jonas

Energy relations with Russia and gas market liberalization

Bonn, 2009

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Dolata-Kreutzkamp, Petra

"The Arctic is ours"

Canada's arctic policy - between sovereignty and climate change
WashingtonDC;Bonn, 2009

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Rugumamu, Severine M.

Does the UN Peacebuilding Commission change the mode of peacebuilding in Africa?

Berlin;Bonn, 2009

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