Shaping the World Justly - Publications


Alio, Mahaman

Security challenges and issues in the Sahelo-Saharan region

The Niger perspective
Dakar-Fann, 2018

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Iratni, Belkacem

Security challenges and issues in the Sahelo-Saharan region

The Algerian perspective
Dakar-Fann, 2018

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Hatay, Mete

Population and politics in north Cyprus

An overview of the ethno-demography of north Cyprus in the light of the 2011 census
Nikosia, 2019

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Blum, Constanze

Transnational organized crime in Southern Africa and Mozambique

Maputo, 2017

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Chatziargyriou, Nikos; Margaris, Ioannis; Dimeas, Aris

Renewable energy developments in Greek islands

Prof. Nikos Chatziargyriou, Dr. Ioannis Margaris, Dr. Aris Dimeas. - Athens : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Athens Office, December 2016. - 31 Seiten = 4 MB, PDF-File. - (Study
Athens, 2016

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Terwindt, Carolijn; Saage-Maaß, Miriam

Liability of social auditors in the textile industry

Berlin, 2016

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From war to caring for people

drug policies in South America after UNGASS
Bogotá, 2016

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Ben Taous, Nouri

Security challenges and issues in the Sahelo-Saharan region

The Tunisia perspective
Dakar-Fann, 2018

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Shared society - Givat Haviva

the Forth Annual Givat Haviva Conference for a Shared Society in Israel, May 24, 2016, 8:30-17:00, Givat Haviva Campus
Herzliya, 2017

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Ndiaye, Wore

Security challenges and issues in the Sahelo-Saharan region

The Senegal perspective
Dakar-Fann, 2018

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