Shaping the World Justly - Publications


From Repression to regulation

proposals for drug policy reform
Bogotá, 2013

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Abu-Rumman, Mohammad

Islamists, religion, and the revolution in Syria

Amman, 2013

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The impact of organised crime on governance in West Africa

Abuja, 2013

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The impact of organised crime on governance in West Africa

Abuja, 2013

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Lehmann, Volker

Reforming the working methods of the UN Security Council

the next ACT
Berlin;NewYork, 2013

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Fischer, Severin; Geden, Oliver

Updating the EU's energy and climate policy

new targets for the post-2020 period
Berlin;Bonn, 2013

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Prizeman, Katherine

Looking to the future of the arms trade treaty

Berlin;Bonn, 2013

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Antwi, Anna

Climate change and food security

an overview about the issue
Accra, 2014

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Nakkash, Aziz

The Alawite dilemma in Homs

survival, solidarity and the making of a community
Berlin, 2013

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Abuzayyad, Ziad; Schenker, Hillel; Ross, Ingrid


still key to any future Israeli-Palestinian agreement
Berlin, 2013

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