Shaping the World Justly - Publications


Onuoha, Freedom C.

A danger not to Nigeria alone

Boko Harams's transnational reach and regional responses
Abuja, 2014

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Schutte, Giorgio Romano

Energy and sustainable development in Brazil

recent developments and outlook
SãoPaulo, 2014

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Adra, Friederike

Renewable energy

an eco-friendly alternative?
Accra, 2015

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Ribeiro Pereira, Laura

What's peace got to do with it?

Advocating peace in the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda
Berlin, 2014

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Gianella, Cecilia; Canziani, Elisa

Exploring sustainable low carbon development pathways

overall situation of low carbon development strategies (LCDS) in Peru
Berlin, 2014

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Blum, Constanze

Cross-border flows between Nigeria and Benin

what are the challenges for (human) security?
Abuja, 2014

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Fantaye, Demessie

Regional approaches to maritime security in the Horn of Africa

AddisAbaba, 2014

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Mulugeta, Kidist

The role of regional powers in the field of peace and security

the case of Ethiopia
AddisAbaba, 2014

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Engel, Ulf

The African Union, the African peace and security architecture, and maritime securtiy

AddisAbaba, 2014

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Fisher, Jonathan

Mapping "regional security" in the Greater Horn of Africa

between national interests and regional cooperation
AddisAbaba, 2014

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