Shaping the World Justly - Publications


Climate change and socio-ecological transformation in Nigeria

Challenges and opportunities
Abuja, 2019

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Grebe, Jan

Cooperation or competition?

Security in West Africa between ECOWAS and the G5
Berlin, 2018

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Said, Salam; Yazigi, Jihad

The reconstruction of Syria

Socially just re-integration and peace building or regime re-consolidation?
Berlin, 2018

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Groebel, Laura

Power dynamics around corporate social responsibility within the EU

Berlin, 2018

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Ghiasy, Richard; Su, Fei; Saalman, Lora

The 21st century maritime silk road

Security implications and ways forward for the European Union
Berlin, 2018

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Scheindlin, Dahlia

Fresh thinking for old problems

Comparing conflicts to advance Israeli-Palestinian peace
Herzliya, 2018

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Strategy, jointness, capacity

institutional requirements for supporting security sector reform
Berlin, 2018

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Kibugi, Robert

Political economy of climate change interventions in Kenya

who benefits and who loses?
Nairobi, 2018

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Energy in Jordan

A youth perspective position paper : A joint project between Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Germanwatch and the Green Generation Foundation
Amman, 2018

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The roots of violent extremism and radicalization

In Azerbaijan and Georgia
Tbilisi, 2018

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