The Future is Feminist!
Working with feminists worldwide towards a better future

Feminism and gender equality under pressure worldwide

Feminism has always challenged social circumstances and demanded more justice. Courageous and committed feminists tirelessly advocated for human dignity and the legal and factual equality of women, and many positive changes were achieved.

Despite all the successes, the battles against oppression are by no means a thing of the past. In many places, they are more topical than ever: in Europe and the U.S., right-wing populist parties have emerged in recent years, wanting to turn back the clock, including with regard to gender relations. In Latin America, as one example conservative social forces have placed the right to abortion under pressure, and there are cases of conservative attacks on women's rights in many countries in Africa, Asia and the Arab world. Not to mention the increasing number of attacks on the so-called "gender ideology" and LGBTIQ rights.

Not without a fight!

The feminist struggle has moved to the centre of the large political conflicts of our time. Right-wing populists need clear enemies and are always looking for polarizing issues. Gender issues are often discussed emotionally and have become – along with migration issues – one of the central battlegrounds of current political confrontations.

But feminists worldwide are not willing to accept these setbacks. Many of the most prominent social protest movements of recent years were and are feminist. In mass protests on the streets, for instance in Latin America, where the protests spread from Argentina across the continent under the catch phrase "Ni Una Menos" (not one [woman] less). In South Africa, where activists achieved an online and offline large-scale mobilization against the endemic violence against women, calling for a #TotalShutDown. And on the Internet: where resistance to social circumstances repeatedly makes its way into the social media – for example under the hash tag #metoo and #timesup.

Feminist views on the future of work

In the very prominent debate on digitalization and the future of work, important aspects from a feminist perspective are currently being neglected. While the main drivers are from international organizations and global forums, feminist and labour movement voices from the Global South are rarely heard. It is time for a critical feminist review as the economic discrimination against and economic inequality of women is still one of the most serious concerns of our time.

As part of the "The Future is Feminist" project, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung is working together with feminists worldwide, particularly from the Africa, Asia & Pacific, MENA, Latin America & the Caribbean region, discussing common concerns of the feminist and labour movement in order to create space for new powerful alliances aiming at social change. Together, we want to discuss and express feminist perspectives on the future of our societies. After all, the economic discrimination of women around the world is still one of the most severe inequality problems of our time.

Therefore, one focus of our work at the global level is on economic policy issues and critical economic perspectives. In doing so, we want to follow up on the discussions about the effects of digitization and the future of work: What does the future of work look like from a feminist perspective? Where are the blind spots in on-going debates? What questions are being concealed by the digitization hype?

The following topics will be at the focus of the project:

  • Care work & reproduction
  • Feminist alternatives beyond old development models and
  • A feminist framework for digitalization.

Those who need to benefit from improvements the most are rarely at the focus of new innovations. This project wants to change that narrative and provide new ideas in order to contribute to justice, equal opportunities and respect for human dignity for all!

The project is a continuation of the work of feminist networks with which our local offices cooperate in the Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East and Northern Africa, and sub-Saharan Africa regions. It offers activists the opportunity to exchange ideas on burning issues, regional experiences and political strategies, and serves as a space to experiment with new ideas and projects.

Despite all the opposition, we are sure: The Progressive Future is Feminist!

Project Coordination

Katia Schnellecke
+49 30 26935-7499

A Global Digital Compact for Gender Equality

Feminist demands from the Global South concerning the UN Global Digital Compact. more

News About Feminism Projects

Woman sitting in a rural setting doing housework. She is wearing a pink T-shirt and a patterned apron. Simple buildings and household objects can be seen in the background. On the left is the text "COP27 Climate Justice and Gender".

COP27: Women and Climate Justice in Africa

African women demand action at COP27 amid flood and drought. Their main criticism centres on the fact, that funds do not reach the grassroots, and...

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EIne Gruppe Frauen mit Halstüchern recken die Fäuste in die Luft.

What’s so feminist about feminist foreign and development policies?

Adopting feminist foreign and development policies is becoming a trend in many Global North countries, sparking questions around the co-optation of...

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Grafik mit sechs stilisierten Figuren, die vor einer Erdkugel platziert sind. Über den Köpfen der Figuren befinden sich mehrere Sprechblasen, die auf Kommunikation hindeuten.

Moving Mountains in the Alps - A G7 Paradigm Shift Towards Gender Equality in Elmau?

Our final FES W7-blog post examines the extent to which gender-transformative commitments and W7 recommendations are integrated into the G7 Leaders’...

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Eine Person schaut durch einen Riss in einer Betonmauer.

Reaching the Unreachables through Financial-digital Inclusion.

To address this, a holistic social protection approach is vital, nationally and locally levels, aimed specifically at women in all their diversity. A...

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Eine Frau sitzt vor einer geöffneten Haustür. Sie trägt eine Schürze und lächelt. Neben ihr stabeln sich Töpfe.

Fostering Women’s Empowerment in Uganda

Insights from Uganda on Gender Equality through Recognition of Care Work. A FES W7-blog article by Tricia Gloria Nabaye.

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Streetart an einer Hausfassade. eine Übergroße Version von Alice aus Alice im Wunderland.

Brave New World - or Welcome to Alice in Wonderland

It’s 2025. Instead of the anticipated backlash after the coronavirus pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and the ensuing wave of inflation, Germany is...

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Eine Frau mit einem Kind auf dem Arm stehen vor einem Graffiti, auf dem zwei Frauen eine Weltkugel tragen.

Feminist Foreign and Development Policy? Adding Substance to Good Intentions

Why it is not enough to label a policy with "feminism" without fundamentally addressing structural problems, explains Masaya Llavaneras Blanco (DAWN).

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Illustration einer Person, die über einen Zaun klettert. Links befindet sich ein Bereich mit einem Herd, einem Tisch mit Vase, Tulpen, einer Tasse, einem Teller mit Kuchenstück und einem Hochstuhl. Auf dem Boden liegen Kinderbausteine und ein Stofftier. Rechts vom Zaun stehen ein Schreibtisch mit Computer und Notizbuch, ein Aktenschrank und zwei Stühle.

Making the Digital Revolution a Gender Revolution

The digital revolution is changing work and employment on multiple fronts, with varying effects across industries, skill levels, and countries....

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The Deal We Always Wanted

A Feminist Action Framework for the Digital Economy


Considering the entire economic picture?

Prospects for gender equality in the global economy and the world of work in the post-coronavirus era more

Projects worldwide


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Sepúlveda, Daniela; Papworth, Evyn; Leite, Thainá

Feminist foreign policy in the EU and Latin America

Building bridges and sharing lessons learned
Brussels, 2024

Download publication (7,5 MB PDF-File)

Melgen, Lety

Vida digna y cuidados

Una disputa del siglo XXI
SantiagodeChile, 2024

Download publication (450 KB, PDF-File)

Bórquez, Andrés

Dónde están las mujeres en la política exterior?

SantiagodeChile, 2024

Download publication (3 MB, PDF-File)

About our work

“The Future is Feminist” is a global project of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, working worldwide with feminists to develop positive visions for a better future that focus on economic policy issues and critical economic perspectives. The project in particular analyses the effects of digitalization and the future of work. It identifies common concerns of feminist and labour movements to create space for new powerful alliances aiming at social change. The project is a continuation of the work of feminist networks in the Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East and Northern Africa, and sub-Saharan Africa regions. It offers activists the opportunity to exchange ideas on burning issues, regional experiences and political strategies while serving as a space to experiment with new ideas.

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