
Koch, Florian; Ogendi, Paul

Stormy times ahead?

The Africa-EU relations in the run-up to the 2017 summit Africa-EU Policy Dialogue Platform Series : 9-10 May 2017 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
AddisAbaba, 2017

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Omolo, Jacob; Odhong, Emily

Trade unions in transformation

developing and utilizing power resources: the case of Kenya National Private Security Workers' Union
Berlin, 2017

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Mbirimi, Ivan

Future energy policy in Southern Africa

What role for trade unions?
Johannesburg, 2017

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La Zone de libre-échange continentale (ZLEC) en Afrique, vue sous l'angle des droits de l'homme

Geneva, 2017

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Di Paola, Miriam

Trade unions in transformation

An assessment of NUMSA's attempt to develop its political and organisational independence, 2012-2016
Berlin, 2017

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Spooner, Dave; Mwanika, John Mark

Trade unions in transformation

Transforming transport unions through mass organisation of informal workers in Uganda
Berlin, 2017

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Stollreiter, Susanne; Vojvoda, Alexander

Kamerun - die anglophone Krise

Mehr als nur ein Sprachenstreit
Berlin, 2017

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Traore, Mohamed

La révision constitutionnelle

entre ombres et lumière pour une paix durable au bout du tunnel
Bamako, 2018

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Thum, Ulrich

Mehr als ein Kampf gegen Windmühlen?

Buharis Vorgehen gegen die Korruption in Nigeria
Berlin, 2017

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Wege der Zukunft: Szenarien Mali 2030

Berlin, 2017

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