
Karberg, Sindy

Female political participation and their influence towards greater empowerment of women in Mozambique

Maputo, 2016

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Tanzania oil and gas almanac

a reference guide
DaresSalaam,2016, 2016

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Bussiek, Hendrik

Freedom of expression and media regulation

a media legislation manual
Windhoek, 2016

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Scheffler, Andrea

The inherent danger of hate speech legislation

a case study from Rwanda and Kenya on the failure of a preventative measure
Windhoek, 2016

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African media barometer

the first home grown analysis of the media landscape in Africa : Lesotho 2015
Windhoek, 2016

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Menace ou opportunité?

le Cameroun face á l'Accord de Partenariat Economqie (APE) avec l'Union Européenne
Yaounde, 2016

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Lober, Johanna

Auf dem Weg zu einer neuen Form des Zusammenlebens

der innermalische Diskurs über nationale Versöhnung und Erwartungen an die Ausgestaltung eines nationalen Versöhnungsprozesses
Bamako, 2016

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Menace ou opportunité?

le Cameroun face á l'APE avec l'Union Européenne : rapport d'information
Yaounde, 2015

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Paasch, Rolf

Rebranding oder Reform?

Tansanias dominante Regierungspartei nach einem weiteren Wahlsieg
Berlin, 2015

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Lakemfa, Owei

Parliament of the streets

mass strikes and street protests that shook Nigeria in 2012
Abuja, 2015

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