
Extractives and sustainable development II

Alternatives to the expoloitation of extractives
Harare, 2017

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Climate change, green jobs and the role of trade unions

An education and training manual for trade unions in Zimbabwe
Harare, 2017

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MISA transparency assessment

2016 report on open & secretive public institutions in Southern Africa
Windhoek, 2017

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Andrianetrazafy, Hemerson; Ratobisaona, Rado Andriamahenintsoa; Razanamaria, Léa Arilala

L'africanite en question

Antananarivo, 2019

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Rabary-Rakotondravony, Lova; Rakotonanahary, Hery Andry

Migration et nationalité à Madagascar

Antananarivo, 2019

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Ravalomanana, Vetsonavalona; Razafindramiadana, Lantoniaina

Les défis de la politique industrielle à Madagascar

Antananarivo, 2019

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Andrianirina, Mamy Auguste

Un accès équitable à la terre

Garant du développement agricole et de la sécurité alimentaire à Madagascar
Antananarivo, 2019

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Rahelimanantsoa, Rondo Lucette

Ny famakiana ady momba ny fifidianana anivon'ny kaominina

Antananarivo, 2019

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Southern African security review 2015

Maputo, 2016

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Karberg, Sindy

Participação política das mulheres e a sua influência para uma maior capacitação da mulher em Moçambique

Maputo, 2016

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