
Kilembe, Faouzi

Die Gewährleistung der Sicherheit in der Republik Zentralafrika: "Mission impossible?"

Yaounde, 2015

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Dzeto, George Kwaku

Projecting Ghana into the real middle income economy

the role of technical, vocational education training ; summary of a paper
Accra, 2015

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Srem-Sai, Justice

Parliamentary oversight in Ghana - a brief review

summary of a paper
Accra, 2015

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Lohmann, Annette

Quelles stratégies pour lutter contre Ebola?

Approfondir tous les aspects du développement!
Berlin, 2014

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Lohmann, Annette

Strategies for combating Ebola?

Comprehensive development needed!
Berlin, 2014

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Onuoha, Freedom C.

A danger not to Nigeria alone

Boko Harams's transnational reach and regional responses
Abuja, 2014

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Haug, Julian

Critical overview of the (urban) informal economy in Ghana

Accra, 2015

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Adra, Friederike

Renewable energy

an eco-friendly alternative?
Accra, 2015

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Lohmann, Annette

Strategien zur Bekämpfung von Ebola?

Umfassende Entwicklung benötigt!
Berlin, 2014

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Soirée politique sur "regards croises des acteurs politiques et de la société civile sur la liste electorale permanente informatisée - LEPI"

Cotonou, 2014

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