
Ukeje, Charles; Mvomo Ela, Wullson

Approche Africaine de la sécurité maritime

cas du Golfe de Guinée
Abuja, 2014

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Schneider, Marcus

Madagaskar vor der Stichwahl

Duell der Schattenpräsidenten
Berlin, 2013

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Barometre des medias africains

première analyse locale du paysage médiatique en Afrique ; Republique du Congo 2013
Windhoek, 2013

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Election security in Nigeria

matters arising
Abuja, 2013

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Okoye, Festus

The prosecution of electoral offenders in Nigeria

challenges and possibilities
Abuja, 2013

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Ukeje, Charles; Mvomo Ela, Wullson

African approaches to maritime security

the Gulf of Guinea
Abuja, 2013

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Gbetoenonmon, Abel

Le Bénin en Afrique de l'Ouest

visions, défis et contraintes économiques
Cotonou, 2014

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Building a sustainable partnership for the future?

The EU-Africa relations in the run-up to the 2014 summit ; 17-18 September 2013, Berlin ; conference report
Berlin, 2013

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African media barometer

the first home grown analysis of the media landscape in Africa ; South Africa 2013
Windhoek, 2013

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Alli, W. O.

The role of Nigeria in regional security policy

Abuja, 2013

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