
Anthology of peace and security research : Volume 3

AddisAbaba, 2013

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Croese, Sylvia

Angola: Chronicle of an unfulfilled promise

a hundred days after the elections
Berlin, 2013

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Running for office

a guide to effective political communication in Cameroon
Yaounde, 2013

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Lush, David

A matter of principles

self-regulation, working conditions and corruption in African journalism
Windhoek;Bonn, 2013

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African media barometer

the first home grown analysis of the media landscape in Africa : Lesotho 2012
Windhoek, 2013

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Barometre des medias africains

Windhoek, 2013

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Meyer, Thomas

L'art du compromis

le chemin vers la réalisation des idéaux dans une véritable démocratie
Yaounde, 2013

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Manahl, Christian

Somalia - the light at the end of the tunnel?

Berlin, 2012

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Okonta, Ike

The fire next time

youth, violence and democratisation in Northern Nigeria
Abuja, 2013

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African media barometer

the first home grown analysis of the media landscape in Africa : Malawi 2012
Windhoek, 2012

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