
Idrissa, Rahmane

Dialogue in divergence

The impact of EU migration policy on West African integration: The cases of Nigeria, Mali, and Niger
Berlin, 2019

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Klatt, Christian

Stabil verankert

Das Ergebnis der Präsidentschaftswahlen im Senegal ist wenig überraschend
Berlin, 2019

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How to make peace work in South Sudan

Criteria for more effective collective conflict management in South Sudan
Berlin, 2019

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Vingwe, Albert; Martens, Jos

Another battle begun

A history of Zimbabwe's cooperative movement 1980-2018
Harare, 2022

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Kanyenze, Godfrey

Action research on social protection in post independence Zimbabwe, 1980-2019

Harare, 2022

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Muchichwa, Nyasha

Social protection in the informal economy study

Harare, 2022

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Muchichwa, Nyasha

The state of four pillars of the decent work agenda in Zimbabwe

Harare, 2022

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African media barometer

The first home grown analysis of the media landscape in Africa : Mauritius 2018
Windhoek, 2021

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Dakouo, Ambroise

La problématique de lʿappropriation nationale dans le processus de mise en oeuvre de la réforme du secteur de la sécurité au Mali

Bamako, 2021

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Seekings, Jeremy

Rights-based social protection in Africa

A review of approaches, challenges and possibilities, report for the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
Lusaka, 2021

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