100 years of FES – find out more

We develop new ideas to advance Social Democracy now and in the future.

Get to know us


Who We Are

For almost a century – since 1925 – the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung has stood for values. As a political foundation, our work is oriented toward the fundamental values of Social Democracy: freedom, justice and solidarity. As a non-profit institution, we perform our work independently and autonomously.

Menschen stehen im Kreis und legen in der Kreismitte die Händer aufeinander
Image: picture alliance / AnnaStills | Anna Tolipova

Learn more about our identity as a political foundation

We shape the major trends of our times and always endeavour to inject fresh ideas to advance Social Democracy now and in the future. Harnessing innovative solutions, we address today’s challenges in a quest to build a just and fair society steeped in solidarity for the future.

Bild, auf dem junge, demonstrierende Frauen und Männer mit Plakaten und Transparenten zu sehen sind. Das Bild verlinkt auf die Internetseiten des Bereichs Internationale Arbeit der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.
Image: picture alliance / NurPhoto | Mauro Ujetto

Find out more about our international work

The FES has acted as a partner to German foreign and developmental policy for decades. Here, our top priority is to promote social justice, democracy, peace and security. With a multitude of projects, we aim to strengthen the forces of democracy and foster young political talent worldwide.

Bild, auf dem rund zwölf junge Erwachsene zu sehen sind, die an einer universitären Veranstaltung teilnehmen. Das Bild verlinkt auf die Internetseiten des Arbeitsbereichs Studienförderung der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.
Image: picture alliance / Geisler-Fotopress | Christoph Hardt/Geisler-Fotopress

Looking for a scholarship?

Social Democracy can only thrive if all people, regardless of their social and cultural background, have the same opportunities. Therefore, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung supports students and doctoral candidates in Germany, especially those from working class and immigrant families.

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