
Abdalla, Amr

African voices from the ground

Motives, benefits and managing risk of migration towards Europe
AddisAbaba, 2019

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Chabi Imorou, Azizou

Audit et analyse du paysage syndical au Benin

Cotonou, 2019

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Kappel, Robert; Reisen, Helmut

G20 Compact with Africa

The Audacity of Hope
Berlin, 2019

Download publication (1,2 MB PDF-File)

Assouma, Kassim

Analyse de la dynamique de l'économie informelle au Bénin

Cotonou, 2019

Download publication (2,4 MB PDF-File)

Teuteberg, Salomé

Relatórios financeiros

15 termos chave para começar
Johannesburg, 2019

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Teuteberg, Salomé

Rapports financiers

15 termes clés pour vous aider à démarrer
Johannesburg, 2019

Download publication (2 MB, PDF-File)

Direito á informação em África

Windhoek, 2019

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Direito á informação em África

Windhoek, 2019

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Direito á informação em África

Windhoek, 2019

Download publication (6 MB, PDF-File)

African media barometer

The first home grown analysis of the media landscape in Africa : Benin 2018
Windhoek, 2019

Download publication (880 KB, PDF-File)

Africa Department


Dr. Henrik Maihack


Konstanze Lipfert

Hiroshimastr. 17
10785 Berlin

+49 30-269 35-74 41


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