Africa Department
Who will fill the gap?
The planned withdrawal of US development aid is causing irritation and uncertainty. South Africa even faces absurd accusations, reports FES South Africa director Uta Dirksen in IPS Journal.
Read moreWind of change
NewsIn Botswana, the opposition alliance surprisingly wins the election. The peaceful change of government is a signal for the entire region. (IPS article)
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NewsAcross Africa, youth-led protests are calling for change. Is this the start of an African Spring? Insights from Henrik Maihack, Head of FES Africa Department (IPS article).
Read moreRelentless resistance
NewsAs protests in Kenya enter their second month, the call for justice echoes across the region. How realistic is the risk of a regional spill over? (IPS-Artikel)
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About us
The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung has been promoting the values of the Social Democracy in Africa for over 40 years. We work for social justice, democracy, peace and international solidarity on the continent. It has encouraged and nurtured political exchange between Africa, Germany and Europe for many years, acting as partner to political parties, parliaments, trade unions, media, civil society groups and the interested public.
In joint programs with our partners, we strive to enable and strengthen social and democratic political participation. Together with young people, we develop ideas for shaping a better future. The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung contributes to the dialogue on peace and security, migration and processes of economic transformation. We act towards strengthening the representation of workers' interests by means of political education and international networking.
We can only confront global challenges such as climate change, illicit financial flows or migration by acting jointly with the countries of Africa. Therefore we are committed to global partnership with the countries of Africa.
Saka, Luqman
Citizens and security sector reform in Gambiaʿs democratic transition
Dakar-Fann, 2025
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Maihack, Henrik
Afrikapolitik nach der Bundestagswahl
Bonn, 2025
Download (PDF) (520 KB, PDF-File)
Commemorative newsletter of the ACHPR special rapporteur on freedom of expression and access to information in Africa
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