Publications on Flight, Migration, Integration

Vankova, Zvezda; Ivanova, Bistra

Temporary home or final destination?

Situation of migrant workers in Bulgaria
Budapest, 2020

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Vankova, Zvezda; Ivanova, Bistra

Vremenen dom ili krajna destinacija?

Položenie na rabotnicite migranti v Bălgarija
Budapest, 2020

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Pawlak, Mikołaj; Lashchuk, Iuliia

Entry to a market, not to a state

Situation of migrant workers in Poland
Budapest, 2020

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Pawlak, Mikołaj; Lashchuk, Iuliia

Dostęp do rynku pracy, ale nie do państwa

Sytuacja pracowników migrujących e Polsce
Budapest, 2020

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Perpetual temporariness

Situation of migrant workers in Hungary
Budapest, 2020

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Folyamatos ideiglenesség

Migráns munkavállalók helyzete Magyarországon
Budapest, 2020

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Mia systēmikē analyzē toy antiktypoy tēs pandēmias Covid-19 stoys prosphyges, toys metanastes kai toys aitētes asyloy stēn Kypro

Meros I - mia episkopēsē ; Dēmosieytēke se synergasia me to Project Justice
Nikosia, 2020

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Systemische Analyse der Auswirkungen der COVID-19-Pandemie auf Flüchtlinge, Migrant ̲ innen und Asylsuchende in Zypern

Teil I - ein Überblick ; veröffentlicht in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Justice Project
Nikosia, 2020

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Reconstruire en mieux

Un appel au courage
Berlin, 2020

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Tsakonas, Panayotis

EU-Turkey relations and the migration challenge

What is the way forward?
Athens, 2020

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