- Berlin
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International Conference: Migration - a progressive formula

Veranstaltungsnummer: 272552als .ics herunterladen

People are on the move worldwide and Germany is feeling the consequences. The challenges are only going to increase in the wake of global crises and demographic developments.

Together with representatives of politics, civil society and academia both at home and abroad we’d like to think bold thoughts on the subject of migration and progressively spell it out.

The event will commence at 13.30 on 24 September 2024 at the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Berlin | Building 1 | Conference hall 1 | Hiroshimastraße 17 | 10785 Berlin and end at 14.00 on 25 September 2024.

The conference website and programme can be found here: www.fes.de/en/displacement-migration-integration/international-conference-migration-a-progressive-formula

Please note that you need to register individually via the registration link. After you have registered successfully you will receive an automatic acknowledgement and separate confirmation of your participation a couple of days later. We thank you for your patience.

You can select different forums and workshops for individual days on the registration form. Please choose one »future forum« on 24 September 2024 and two workshops on 25 September 2024.

A detailed description of the forums and workshops can be found in the programme on our website.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact Vanicha Weirauch (Vanicha.Weirauch@fes.de).


Future forums



Future forum on work | Fair recruitment – fair working conditions


Future forum on community | A Social City for all


Future forum on human rights | Safe, orderly and regular


Future forum on social cohesion | Thinking ahead in an immigration society

Workshops on the future forums Part 1



1. Workshop: Work | Should I Stay or Should I Go?


2. Workshop: Community | Working together, shaping together


3. Workshop: Social Cohesion | Migration und Populism


4. Workshop: Human Rights | Redesigning the European asylum system

| Workshops on the future forums Part 2



1. Workshop: Work | Migration agreements


2. Workshop: Community | Security at local level and for everyone


3. Workshop: Social Cohesion | People who vote are integrated, aren’t they?


4. Workshop: Human Rights | Migration and gender equality


Tuesday, 24 September 2024 bis Wednesday, 25 September 2024
13:00 (first day) to 14:00 (last day)

Registration open
from Wednesday, 17 July 2024 to Monday, 16 September 2024

Attendance fee



Hiroshimastraße 17
10785 Berlin


Vanicha Weirauch

Contact address

Hiroshimastraße 17
10785 Berlin

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