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Current FES publications in the FES Digital Library

The Digital Library of the FES aggregates digital FES publications in PDF or HTML format (approx. 15.000 titles, updated 2019). Almost all titles can be used and read without any access restriction.

Additionally, you will find theadvanced search, a Google fulltext search and topical publication lists on the old Internet presence of our library (all in German language).

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Carrasco Rivas, Mercedes

El deterioro del poder de compra de los ingresos laborales 2019-2023

SantoDomingo, 2024

Download publication (270 KB, PDF-File)

Fuentes, Claudio; Valenzuela, Pedro

Municipios y seguridad pública ciudadana

Diagnóstico y propuestas
SantiagodeChile, 2024

Download publication (660 KB, PDF-File)

Puh, Ivan

Croatia: Who does (not) have a seat in parliament?

Vienna, 2024

Download publication (480 KB, PDF-File)

Hennicke, Martin

Ungleiches Schleswig-Holstein

Gleichwertige Lebensverhältnisse bisher unerreicht
Hamburg, 2024

Download publication (2 MB, PDF-File)

Girault, Thibaut

Crossing borders, building livelihoods

The insecure economic lives of migrants in Libya
LaMarsa, 2024

Download publication (5,5 MB PDF-File)

Inequality in Brazil

Income, wealth and tax distribution
Bonn, 2024

Download publication (560 KB, PDF-File)

Dziuk, Birgit; Friedrich, Holger

Mehr Vorsorgen statt Versorgen!

Ein Impuls für mehr Früherkennung und Prävention in der Gesundheitsversorgung
Bonn, 2024

Download publication (430 KB, PDF-File)

Gerrits, André W. M.; Krumm, Reinhard

Povorot Rossijskoj politiki na vostok

Vozmožnye posledstvija dlja Rossii i Zapada
Bonn, 2024

Download publication (300 KB, PDF-File)

Awada, Hala; Al Hasbani, Mariam; Kayal, Sanaa

[Reconsidering gender division in domestic work in light of the decline in employment in home service]

Beirut, 2024

Download publication (3,3 MB PDF-File)

Az innovációvezérelt növekedés felé

Innovációs rendszerek és szakpolitikák az EU közép-kelet-európai tagállamaiban
Budapest, 2024

Download publication (600 KB PDF-File)

Digital Library basic search

Search the complete collection of digital FES publications. Please note that the search result will be presented using the layout of the old Internet presence of our library.

An advanced search option is available in this database (old Internet presence of the FES Library, German language).

Please take notice of this Information on possible problems with PDF files (in German language).

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Please read our information for libraries, archives and other institutions on collecting and archival storage of digital FES publications.

Bibliography of FES publications

Every year the FES Library publishes an inventory of all FES publications, listing both monographic and periodical digital and/or printed titles.

On this page you can download all published bibliographies as from 2005 (in German language).

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