All Publications

Tasini, Jonathan

Just transition in the U.S.

A harsh mirage absent a fundamental revolution
WashingtonDC, 2021

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Fuentes, Ursula; Chapman, Anna

Shifting investment away from fossil fuels in Southeast Asia

Policy brief
Hanoi, 2021

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Maass, Gero

Moving on after Covid-19

How social democrats can harness the European Recovery Programme in a culture of progress for the coming decade
Paris, 2021

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Komendantova, Nadejda; Marashdeh, Leena; Al-Salaymeh, Ahmed

Social acceptance of renewable energy sources versus oil shale in Jordan

Study on behalf of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
Amman, 2021

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Hochscheidt, Lukas; Wixforth, Susanne; Rohde, Jan Philipp

The socio-ecological transformation of the European economy

Trade union perspectives
Berlin, 2021

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Shifting investment away from fossil fuels in Southeast Asia

[Visual summary]
Hanoi, 2021, 2021

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Svensson, Anton

The recovery plan in Sweden

Setting the course for a climate-neutral and digital future?
Stockholm, 2021

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Smart city - social city

Putting people first
Bonn, 2021

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Lan'šina, Tat'jana

Russia's wind energy market

Potential for new economy development
Moskau, 2021

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Bruckner, Thomas; Kondziella, Hendrik

Sector coupling

The next stage of the Energiewende
Bonn, 2021

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Fuentes, Ursula; Chapman, Anna

Shifting investment away from fossil fuels in Southeast Asia

Hanoi, 2021

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The impact of climate change mitigation policy on employment

Context, possible future scenarios and recommendations ; Case of Georgia
Tbilisi, 2021

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Hasni, Tewfik; Malek, Redouane; Zouioueche, Nazim

Algeria 100% renewable energy

Recommendations for a national strategy of energy transition
Algier, 2021

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Lycourgos, Constantinos; Vlachogiannis, Apostolos; Yiordamli, Artemis

Access to justice of environmental NGOs

A comparative perspective (EU, France, Cyprus)
Nikosia, 2021

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People's voices in national climate plans

Civil society perspectives from Kenya, the Kyrgyz Republic, Morocco and the Philippines
Berlin, 2021

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