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García Andrés, Gonzalo; Ontiveros Baeza, Emilio; Vizcaíno Delgado, Diego

The Spanish recovery strategy

Setting the course for a climate-neutral and digital future?
Madrid, 2021

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Vieira da Silva, Jose António

The Portuguese recovery plan

Setting the course for a climate-neutral and digital future?
Lisbon, 2021

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Trpkov, Stephanie E.

Smart cities and energy transition

Can one happen without the other?
Zagreb, 2021

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Munta, Mario

The European green deal

A game changer or simply a buzzword?
Zagreb, 2021

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Borgnäs, Kajsa; Kellermann, Christian

Germany's recovery strategy

Setting the course for a climate-neutral and digital future?
Rom, 2021

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Mihai-Yiannaki, Simona; Mullen, Fiona

The recovery plan in Cyprus

Setting the course for a climate-neutral and digital future?
Nicosia, 2021

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Smadi, Ayman; Hussein, Marwan

Electric bus in MENA

Amman, 2021

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The French recovery strategy

Setting the course for a climate-neutral and digital future?
Paris, 2020

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Towards the just city in Kenya

Nairobi, 2020

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Kibugi, Robert

Towards a low carbon climate resilient development

Discussion paper on shaping a just transition for Kenya
Nairobi, 2020

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Viesti, Gianfranco

The recovery plan in Italy

Setting the course for a climate-neutral and digital future?
Rom, 2020

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The future of a just transition in Ukraine: Perceptions in coal mining towns

A report on the results of a survey of coal mining town residents in the Donetsk region
Kyiv, 2020

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Matthes, Cornelius; Aruffo, Valeria; Retby-Pradeau, Louis

The risks and opportunities of green hydrogen production and export from the MENA region to Europe

Study on behalf of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
Amman, 2020

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A green recovery for a more resilient MENA region

Youth perspective on energy, climate & mobility ; a youth perspective position paper
Amman, 2020

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Archer, Diane; Adelina, Charrlotte

Social-ecological transformation in cities in Asia

Hanoi, 2020

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