All Publications

Akintola, Lukmon

Rethinking local actors' engagement in global climate mobility agenda

Contribution to discussions at the GFMD summit 2024
AddisAbaba, 2024

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The transformation of southern medium-sized cities toward climate change resilience

The cases of Ben Tre and Binh Duong provinces
Bangkok, 2024

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Mehta, Ashish; Singh Sahota, Sarbjit

Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES)

A position paper
NewDelhi, 2024

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Tacke, Paula

The Eastmed pipeline - Israel to the rescue for europe's energy transformation?

Herzliya, 2024

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Security sector reform and sustainable development goal 16

Philippine case study
PasigCity, 2024

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Social-ecological transformation: Country comparison report - graphical presentation

Brussels, 2024

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Kulkolkarn, Kiriya

Energy sector workers in transition

Strategies for a collaborative approach in Thailand
Bangkok, 2023

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Tambunlertchai, Kanittha; Vassadumrongdee, Sujitra

Circular economy in Thailand

Steps towards a transition in plastic packaging and food waste management
Bangkok, 2023

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Barnea, Eliza; Murafa, Corina

Just energy transition for communities: From risk to opportunity

Case study: Gelạti County
Bucureşti, 2023

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Social-ecological transformation: Country comparative report

Brussels, 2023

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Social-ecological transformation: Country report USA

Brussels, 2023

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Social-ecological transformation: Country report United Kingdom

Brussels, 2023

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Social-ecological transformation: Country report Türkiye

Brussels, 2023

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Social-ecological transformation: Country report Slovakia

Brussels, 2023

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Social-ecological transformation: Country report Sweden

Brussels, 2023

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