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Fues, Thomas
reform prospects for the summit architecture / Thomas Fues.In: Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft Online : International Politics and Society. - 2007, 2.Electronic ed.: Bonn : IPG-Redaktion, 2007ISSN 0945-2419
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Hofmann, Katharina
Chinese, African, and European perspectives on the China-Africa Summit / Katharina Hofmann ; Jürgen Kretz ; Michael Roll ; Sebastian Sperling.In: Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft Online : International Politics and Society. - 2007, 2.Electronic ed.: Bonn : IPG-Redaktion, 2007ISSN 0945-2419
Lesage, Dries
Dries Lesage.In: Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft Online : International Politics and Society. - 2007, 4.Electronic ed.: Bonn : IPG-Redaktion, 2007
Buhbe, Matthes
Matthes Buhbe. - Berlin : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Dept. for Development Policy, 2007. - 16 S. = 300 KB, PDF-File. - (Compass 2020 - Germany in international relations)Electronic ed.: Berlin ; Bonn : FES, 2007ISBN 978-3-89892-655-3
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Stetten, Jürgen
building new alliances, solving global problems / Jürgen Stetten. - Berlin : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Dept. for Development Policy, 2007. - 16 S. = 290 KB, PDF-File. - (Compass 2020 - Germany in international relations)Einheitssacht.: Multilaterale Institutionen . - Electronic ed.: Berlin ; Bonn : FES, 2007ISBN 978-3-89892-692-8
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Wieland-Karimi, Almut
together the West is exploring new shores / Almut Wieland-Karimi. - Berlin : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Dept. for Development Policy, 2007. - 20 S. = 310 KB, PDF-File. - (Compass 2020 - Germany in international relations)Einheitssacht.: Die transatlantischen Beziehungen . - Electronic ed.: Bonn : FES, 2007 ; FES-Library, 2008ISBN 978-3-89892-786-4
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African Regional Experts Meeting on the Future Role and Reform of the IMF
African Regional Experts Meeting on the Future Role and Reform of the IMF : an international conference organised by the Institute for Global Dialogue (IGD, South Africa) and Friedrich Ebert-Stiftung (FES, South Africa Office) ; 5-6 November 2007, Tshwane, Republic of South Africa. - Johannesburg, 2007]. - 10 S. = 85 KB, PDF-File. - Electronic ed.: Berlin : FES Dialogue on Globalization, 2007 ; Bonn : FES Library, 2009.- Title only available online
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o caso do referendo do aborto, 2007 / André Freire (organizador). Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. - Lisboa, 2007. - 199 S. = 400 KB, PDF-File. - Electronic ed.: Lissabon : FES, ca. 2007 ; Bonn : FES Library, 2009ISBN 978-989-8005-01-4
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Abraham, Meghna
outcome and analysis of the institution-building year / Meghna Abraham. - Berlin [u.a.] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung [u.a.], 2007. - 47 S. = 474 KB, PDF-File. - (Dialogue on globalization ; 33 : Occasional papers - Geneva)Electronic ed.: Genf ; Bonn : FES, 2007ISBN 978-3-89892-750-5
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Stiglitz, Joseph E.; Griffith-Jones, Stephany
findings of the Shadow G-8 / Joseph E. Stiglitz ; Stephany Griffith-Jones. - Berlin [u.a.] : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung [u.a.], 2007. - 31 S. = 422 KB, PDF-File. - (Dialogue on globalization ; 31 : Occasional papers - New York)Electronic ed.: Berlin ; Bonn : FES, 2007ISBN 978-3-89892-695-9
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Martin, Brendan
by Brendan Martin. - Bonn : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Int. Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, Globale Gewerkschaftspolitik, 2007. - [4] Bl. = 230 KB, PDF-File. - (Briefing papers / Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, International Trade Union Cooperation ; 4)Einheitssacht.: Die Weltbank, Bahnprivatisierungen und Gewerkschaften . - Electronic ed.: Bonn : FES, 2007
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Draper, Peter; Alves, Philip; Kalaba, Mmatlou
implications for regioanl integration / authors: Peter Draper ; Philip Alves ; Mmatlou Kalaba. - Gaborone : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Botswana Office, 2006. - 129 S. = 753 KB, PDF-File. - Electronic ed.: Bonn : FES, 2006ISBN 99912-993-8-6
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real and effective multilateralism? / Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Working Group on European Integration. - Bonn : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Internat. Politikanalyse, 2006. - 6 S. = 90 KB, PDF-File. - (Europäische Politik)Electronic ed.: Bruessel : FES, 2006 ; Bonn : FES Library, 2007
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Said, Mohamed Kadry
the Egyptian role in regional and international politics / Mohamed Kadry Said. - Berlin : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2006 (FES briefing paper ; 2006, 11) (Dialogue on globalization : Briefing papers - FES Cairo). - (New Powers for global change?)Electronic ed.: Bonn : FES, 2006. - Title only available online
Meier, Oliver
the end of universal non-proliferation efforts? / Oliver Meier.In: Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft Online : International Politics and Society. - 2006, 4.Electronic ed.: Bonn : IPG-Redaktion, 2006ISSN 0945-2419
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