Rüsche, Alexander; Hackl, Andreas

Showdown in September?

The Palestinian bid for statehood at the United Nations
Berlin;Bonn, 2011

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Lohmann, Annette

Who owns the Sahara?

Old conflicts, new menaces. Mali and the Central Sahara between the Tuareg, Al Qaida and organized crime
Abuja;Bonn, 2011

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Partnership with Russia in Europe

Moskau;Berlin, 2011

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Get to know the ECOWAS

peace and security in an ECOWAS of people ; 05-13 October 2010, Abuja
Abuja;Bonn, 2011

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Early warning systems in minority conflicts

a framework for developming regional responses ; 7th Asia-Europe Roundtable Workshop, Singapore, 20 - 21 May 2010
Singapore;Bonn, 2011

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Glenn, John K.

Implementing "smart power" amid economic crisis

Berlin;Bonn, 2011

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Annen, Niels

A comeback in Asia?

How China is shaping U.S. foreign policy in the Pacific
Berlin;Bonn, 2011

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Katsioulis, Christos

The new NATO strategy

a temporary compromise
Berlin;Bonn, 2011

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Wegener, Katharina

"Etuo Mu Ye Sum: The barrel of a gun is dark"

clouded in darkness : reflections on the uncertain future of small arms and light weapons in Ghana
Accra, 2014

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Jung, Karsten

On keeping one's commitments

or: why an eventful year ended inconclusively in Afghanistan
Berlin, 2011

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The EU, Germany, Central Europe and Russia: determinants of the EU's foreign policy towards Russia

a compilation of study texts by foremost scholars and analysts in this field from the Central European region
Prag, 2014

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Maull, Hanns W.

Globalization and german foreign policy

Berlin, 2011

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Gromadzki, Grzegorz

An urgent challenge for today's Europe

the eastern partnership
Berlin, 2011

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Balfour, Rosa

Debating the eastern partnership

perspectives from the European Union
Berlin, 2011

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Zagorski, Andrei

Eastern partnership from Russian perspective

Berlin, 2011

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