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International Conference: Migration – a progressive formula

Conference | 24 - 25 September 2024 in Berlin | #FutureOfMigration

Migration is a poignant issue – in Germany and worldwide.  And it is already clear: The challenges are only going to increase further in light of global crises and demographic developments.

A key task going forward is to create and guarantee protection and future prospects at home, in Europe and beyond.

On the way towards a modern immigration society the Federal Government has implemented key projects, including the Skilled Labour Immigration Act and the reform of the nationality law. But there is still a lot to do.

This applies in particular to the municipalities. Dealing with diversity has become part of everyday life in most companies, schools and communities. But if cohesion is to last, we need to recognise that integration requires constant effort, as well as investment in public infrastructure that benefits everyone.

Together with you we want to push the envelope on the issue of migration and progressively spell it out.

The conference was organised by the Divisions for Analysis, Planning and Consulting, International Cooperation and Civic Education and Political Dialogue.


Joana Marta Sommer
030 26935-8304

Vanicha Weirauch
030 269 35-8333

The migration policy work of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung



A woman speaks at the Future Forum Municipality at the conference "Migration - a progressive formula".

How Germany’s "debt brake" is hindering integration at local level

Displacement, Migration, Integration | Integration Policy

Decent integration projects are struggling due to a lack of funds. The government wants to cut back on language courses – and it is migrants who are...

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A worker leans down to a colleague in the midst of steel girders for the new building of the European Central Bank (ECB) in Frankfurt am Main.

We face great competition in acquiring skilled workers

Displacement, Migration, Integration | Integration Policy | Migration policy

The SPD parliamentary group discussed migration partnerships at its conference. We spoke to Sebastian Hartmann, the SPD parliamentary group's...

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Federal Minister Svenja Schulze in conversation at the opening of a centre for migration and development in Morocco.

Looking beyond the end of our noses

Displacement, Migration, Integration | Migration policy

Svenja Schulze, German Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, talks about how German development policy contributes to just and...

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Reem Alabali-Radovan


Carolina Gottardo

Carolina Gottardo

Juliane Seifert

Juliane Seifert

Dirk Wiese

Dirk Wiese


Conference hall

Welcome address

Martin Schulz, President of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

Conference moderation: Boussa Thiam, WDR COSMO

Conference hall


Thoughts from the future

Dr Bärbel Kofler, Parliamentary state secretary at the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Berlin

Aoun Abbas Sahi, Senior journalist and media trainer, Islamabad

Rebecca Liebig, Member of the Federal Executive Board of ver.di, Berlin

Moderation: Boussa Thiam, WDR COSMO


Future forum on Work

Fair recruitment – fair working conditions: labour migration that benefits all

Dr Jan Schneider, Head of Research Unit & Deputy Managing Director of the Expert Council on Migration and Integration, Berlin

Dr Gunilla Fincke, Head of Division, Skills, Vocational Training and Securing a Skilled Labour Force, Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Berlin

Seeta Sharma, Migration expert, New Delhi

Moderation: Joana Marta Sommer, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Berlin

House 2 | Room 6.01


Future forum on Municipality

A Social City for all – managing cohabitation

Prof Dr Birgit Glorius, Professor of Human Geography with a focus on European Migration Studies, Chemnitz University of Technology

Arlin Cakal-Rasch, Municipal Integration Center, Wuppertal

Aziz Bozkurt, State Secretary for Social Affairs, Berlin

Jenni Tahvanainen, Project Manager, Employment and Integration Services, City of Vantaa

Moderation: Julia Bläsius, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Berlin

House 2 | Room 6.09


Future forum on Cohesion

Thinking ahead in an immigration society – equal opportunities and an orientation towards the common good

Dr Leander Scholz, Philosopher und author, Berlin

Dr Delal Atmaca, Managing Director, DaMigra e.V., Berlin

Dr Lisa Pelling, Director, Think Tank Arena Idé, Stockholm

Moderation: Philipp Kauppert, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Berlin

House 1 | Conference Hall


Future forum on Human Rights

Safe, orderly and regular – mobility in a period of climate change and conflict

Anna Terrón i Cusí, former Secretary of State for Immigration and Emigration, Spain, Barcelona

Amera Markous, Migration expert, Tripoli

Nadja Sthamer, Member of the German Bundestag, Berlin

Moderation: Annette Schlicht, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Berlin

House 1 | Room 121



Conference hall

Poetry Slam

Abdul Kader Chahin, Comedian and satirist, Duisburg

Conference hall

Discussion round

Wanted: a progressive narrative on migration

Reem Alabali-Radovan, Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration, Member of the German Bundestag, Berlin

Dr Helene Bubrowski, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Table.Media, Berlin

Dr Özgür Özvatan, Head of the Department of Integration Research and Social Policy, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Sebastian Hartmann, Member of the German Bundestag, Berlin

Moderation: Philipp Kauppert, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Berlin


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