International Conference: Migration – a progressive formula
Conference | 24 - 25 September 2024 in Berlin | #FutureOfMigration
Migration is a poignant issue – in Germany and worldwide. And it is already clear: The challenges are only going to increase further in light of global crises and demographic developments.
A key task going forward is to create and guarantee protection and future prospects at home, in Europe and beyond.
On the way towards a modern immigration society the Federal Government has implemented key projects, including the Skilled Labour Immigration Act and the reform of the nationality law. But there is still a lot to do.
This applies in particular to the municipalities. Dealing with diversity has become part of everyday life in most companies, schools and communities. But if cohesion is to last, we need to recognise that integration requires constant effort, as well as investment in public infrastructure that benefits everyone.
Together with you we want to push the envelope on the issue of migration and progressively spell it out.
The conference was organised by the Divisions for Analysis, Planning and Consulting, International Cooperation and Civic Education and Political Dialogue.
Joana Marta Sommer
Vanicha Weirauch