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Spotlight: Migration – a progressive formula

Progressive migration and integration policy in a period of global crises

Policymakers have achieved a lot in recent years in their efforts to lay the basis for a modern immigration policy: a modernised citizenship law, new regulations for skilled worker migration and comprehensive migration partnership agreements.

In response to demographic change it is imperative that Germany establishes itself as an attractive destination country in the international competition for skilled workers and takes full advantage of migration’s potential to bolster its living standards. It needs a comprehensive approach, including international partnerships, visa regulations and solutions to labour and social issues, as well as the establishment of a viable immigration society in Germany.

Within the framework of our focus series »Migration – a progressive formula« we shall be highlighting sustainable strategies and showcasing promising approaches, but also surveying the landscape to determine what is missing, in order to make migration policy fit for purpose. We shall shine a light on a variety of perspectives, from local to international, and link them together.


Annette Schlicht
+49 30 26935-7486
Joana Marta Sommer
030 26935-8304

A woman speaks at the Future Forum Municipality at the conference "Migration - a progressive formula".

How Germany’s "debt brake" is hindering integration at local level

Displacement, Migration, Integration | Integration Policy

Decent integration projects are struggling due to a lack of funds. The government wants to cut back on language courses – and it is migrants who are...

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An abandoned refugee boat is adrift at sea. It was previously cleared by the Libyan coast guard.

Libya’s Coast Guard: Europe’s Deadly Gatekeepers in the Mediterranean

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Torture camps, hunger and the legitimation of authoritarian regimes. The EU has poured millions into Libya but what has this money actually achieved?

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A refugee woman with a headscarf works in the training workshop for handicraft training.

Error: Potential not found

Displacement, Migration, Integration | Integration Policy | Migration policy

“No one even knows who is in this country.” At least in terms of job market potential, this assertion certainly holds true.

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A Greek flag and an EU flag fly at the Acropolis in Athens

Sustainable Integration is Pivotal

Displacement, Migration, Integration | Refugee Policy

Greece plays a central role in the EU Migration Pact, but there is a lack of measures for sustainable integration. What steps are necessary? An...

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The light installation entitled ‘Diversity is our strength’ by artist Christoph Stark shines from the roof of a high-rise building. The words Diversity is our home can be read.

Decisive action, smart integration

Displacement, Migration, Integration | Integration Policy | Migration policy

Chief Administrative Officer of the Federal district of Minden-Lübbecke, Ali Doğan, criticises the ideological narrowing of the migration debate and...

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Iryna Pinchuk in a black evening dress in her home country of Ukraine next to border elements.

A progressive approach to explaining migration: A transnational perspective

Displacement, Migration, Integration | Integration Policy | Migration policy

Iryna Pinchuk fled the war in Ukraine in 2022. She reflects on personal boundaries, identity and the path to her new reality.

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A tube station was temporarily renamed ‘Diversity’. German "Vielfalt"

Playing with our fears – and how we have to push back

Displacement, Migration, Integration | Migration policy

How we can achieve a progressive narrative based on humanity, when terms such as “security” and “fear” have become omnipresent in the migration...

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Boys who are members of a sports team gather at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin to have their photograph taken. Some of them have an immigrant background, others do not.

Participation is indispensable

Displacement, Migration, Integration | Integration Policy | Migration policy

Why integration will be a vital issue for social democracy in the future and what needs to be done for it to succeed – comments from Rasha Nasr, the...

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Many media persons are seen gathered at a press conference in a wooded area near Kuznica, Poland on 12 November, 2021.

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Displacement, Migration, Integration | Integration Policy | Migration policy

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Plenarsaal des Deutschen Bundestags in einer Sitzung

A plea for a future-oriented migration policy

Displacement, Migration, Integration

There are currently good conditions for a return to a more objective debate and migration policy, says Marcus Engler from DeZIM.

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International Conference | 24 & 25 September 2024 | Berlin

Migration – a progressive formula more


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