The Board of Trustees of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
The FES Board of Trustees has the task of advising the Executive Board on important organisational matters and supporting the work of the foundation. The Board of Trustees currently has around 65 members from academia, politics, trade unions and culture, who contribute their expertise and experience to the Foundation's work on a wide range of topics.
Members of the Board of Trustees
Chairperson: Hannelore Kraft
- Richard Becker
- Dr. Wilhelm Bender
- Klaus-Uwe Benneter
- Dr. Claudia Bogedan
- Dr. Carsten Brosda
- Ulla Burchardt
- Prof. Dr. Friedrich Buttler
- Dr. Klaus von Dohnanyi
- Rudolf Dreßler
- Dr. Ursula Engelen-Kefer
- Ingeborg Friebe
- Prof. Dr. h.c. Cornelia Füllkrug-Weitzel
- Martin Gerster
- Iris Gleicke
- Prof. Dr. Helene Harth
- Ingrid Häußler
- Dr. Christine Hohmann-Dennhardt
- Roland Issen
- Gerhard Jochum
- Prof. Dr. Karl Kaiser
- Dr. Karl Kauermann
- Prof. Dr. Jürgen Keßler
- Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kocka
- Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kromphardt
- Moritz Leuenberger
- Markus Meckel
- Siegmar Mosdorf
- Michelle Müntefering
- Prof. Dr. Julian Nida-Rümelin
- Dr. Edith Niehuis
- Aydan Özoguz
- Prof. Dr. Winfried Polte
- Dr. Simone Raatz
- Steffen Reiche
- Dr. Nikolaus Schneider
- Wolfgang Schneiderhan
- Karin Schubert
- Dr. Manja Schüle
- Rolf Schwanitz
- Karl Starzacher
- Dr. Ralf Stegner
- Ludwig Stiegler
- Prof. Dr. Johano Strasser
- Heike Taubert
- Dr. Gerald Thalheim
- Dr. Carl Tham
- Wolfgang Tiefensee
- Dr. Gottfried Timm
- Gerd Walter
- Dr. Rosemarie Wilcken
- Dr. Monika Wulf-Mathies
- Brigitte Zypries