Publications on Flight, Migration, Integration

Perabo, Timon

Musliminnen und Muslime in ländlichen Räumen in Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt und Thüringen

Wie kann Verwaltung neue Aufgaben gut meistern?
Berlin, 2018

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On Europe's external Southern borders

Situation report on migration management
Budapest, 2018

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Us vs. them in Central and Eastern Europe

Populism, the refugee other and the re-consideration of national identity
Budapest, 2018

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Meszmann, T. Tibor; Fedyuk, Oléna

Temporary agency work as a form and channel of labour migration in Hungary

Budapest, 2018

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Bröning, Michael

Para além da zona de conforto

Como os partidos europeus de centro-esquerda mudam de orientação em questões referentes à imigração
SãoPaulo, 2018

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Kühn, Boris

Kommunale Integrationspolitik

Eine Handreichung für die kommunale Praxis
Bonn, 2018

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Meszmann, T. Tibor; Fedyuk, Oléna

Munkaero-kölcsönzés mint munkaviszony

és mint mobilitási (migrációs) csatorna
Budapest, 2018

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Micinski, Nicholas R.

Implementing the global compact for migration

The role of states, UN agencies, and civil society
Berlin, 2018

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Binnemann, Frauke; Mannitz, Sabine

Geflüchtete Frauen in Deutschland

Anforderungen an eine geschlechtersensible Asyl- und Integrationspolitik
Bonn, 2018

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Cuperus, René

La fable des migrations vertueuses

De la dangereuse naïvité des partisans inconditionnels de l'immmigration
Paris, 2018

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