100 years of FES – find out more

International Work

  • A woman writes "Worship your God" in Arabic, while a group of young volunteers paint a mural with the symbol of peace on a wall on the outskirts of Damascus.

    International Women's Day: Not only part of the conversation, but leading the way

    Displacement, Migration, Integration | Migration policy | Gender Weltweit

    “Women have been at the forefront of the struggle […] and turned into leaders.”, says Sana Mustafa. Why Syrian women are critical for the future of the country.

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  • Roll-up with New Zealand Labour Party slogan with the words "In it for you" in English and Maori.

    New Zealand Labour building a base with new Kiwis

    Displacement, Migration, Integration | Integration Policy

    MP Phil Twyford believes the future of social democracy in New Zealand rests on how well the party reaches out to former migrant and refugee communities.

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  • View of a poster with the word Europe through a pedestrian passage at the EU Parliament in Brussels.

    The way out of the crisis: a strong social Europe

    Politik für Europa

    The future of Europe is at stake, but does Europe have a chance to emerge stronger from this situation? A joint series of articles in cooperation with Social Europe sheds light on this topic.

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  • A glazier stands in the firing hall of the Meissen porcelain manufactory and glazes porcelain bowls.

    Diversity is not a trend, but a significant driver of business success

    Displacement, Migration, Integration | Integration Policy

    "Diversity is a driver of real innovative power", says Sylvia Pfefferkorn from “Wirtschaft für ein Weltoffenes Sachsen e.V.”. What are the required framework conditions that ensure good integration into the labour market?

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  • Frau trägt großen Karton von USAID

    Who will fill the gap?

    The planned withdrawal of US development aid is causing irritation and uncertainty. South Africa even faces absurd accusations, reports FES South Africa director Uta Dirksen in IPS Journal.

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The International Work of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

For decades, the FES has acted as a partner to German foreign and developmental policy. Here, our top priority has always been on the promotion of social justice, democracy, peace and security. Worldwide, we aim to strengthen the forces of democracy, including the next generation of young politicians. In Europe, we work towards shaping the future of the European Union and fostering the acceptance of the European idea.

An essential task of our international work is the support of independent unions. Without them, a social-ecological transformation and a just, sustainable and democratic economic system cannot be put into practice. In the course of this, we represent the interests of the German Trade Union Confederation (Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund, DGB) and its member unions abroad.

The ability to connect key players is a particular strength of our international network, comprised of over 100 FES offices. In regional and global projects we develop comprehensive, transnational concepts, for example in the fields of foreign and security policy or climate and energy policy. With our platforms for dialogue, publications and consultations in Germany, we are making a contribution towards enabling the coordination of political analysis, debate and action.

Information on quality management and evaluations of our international work is availablehere (in German).

Division International Cooperation

Head of Division

Michael Meier


Monika Schneider
+49 (0)30 26935-7702

Hiroshimastr. 28
10785 Berlin


Departments in Germany and International Offices

Africa Department

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung has been promoting the values of the Social Democracy in Africa for over 40 years. We work for social justice, democracy, peace and international solidarity on the continent. The FES has encouraged and nurtured political exchange between Africa, Germany and Europe for many years, acting as partner to political parties, parliaments, trade unions, media, civil society groups and the interested public.


Asia and Pacific Department

For over 30 years, the FES in Asia has worked towards a stable and secure development as well as a deepening of understanding between Germany, Europe and Asia. This is also in Germany's and Europe's interest, as nowadays, local and regional crises have global consequences more than ever.


Latin America and the Caribbean Department

For over 50 years, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung has been promoting the values of Social Democracy in Latin America and the Caribbean. Across its network of 18 offices, the FES advocates for social justice, democracy, peace and international solidarity in 21 countries. Its partners are political parties, parliaments, unions, media and civil society groups.


Central and Eastern Europe Department

Almost three decades ago, the political map of Eastern Europe was redrawn – and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung was there from the beginning. In 1989, the office in Moscow was opened, followed in 1990 by the one in Warsaw. Today, the FES is represented by 27 offices in the region.


Middle East and North Africa Department

Since the beginning of the 1960s, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung has been advocating the values and ideas of Social Democracy in the Middle East, as well as North Africa. The FES commands a network of 11 offices that realize projects in 14 countries of this region. At these offices, 15 posted staff from Germany work together with 104 colleagues from the respective countries. The Middle East and North Africa department at FES Berlin has a staff of 13 employees.


Department European Union and North America

The European Union and North America Department (EUN) works in Berlin, Brussels and in around 25 offices in Europe, the USA and Canada. Whether in business, society or politics - almost all areas are influenced by European and global developments today. Worldwide networking creates new opportunities for international cooperation, but also leads to new challenges.


Global and European Policy

In the 21st Century the world is confronted with many challenges. Social inequality is on the rise, natural resources are being exploited unchecked. Many societies are disrupted by corruption, violence and war. In order to deal with these problems, a deep structural change on an economic, ecological and social level is needed. This change must also put democratic participation and civil conflict resolutions front and center.


FES International

FES International


Our work

Shaping a Just World

All around the world, the FES is working towards

  • peaceful conflict resolution;
  • a socio-ecological transitionan ;
  • international economy that focuses on the common good;
  • international institutions that take the perspectives of civil society and trade unions into account.


Politics for Europe – 2017plus

We debate on how Europe can – and must – be shaped in a way that is democratic, social in its economy and reliable in its foreign policy.


International Trade Union Policy

The representation of worker's interests can only function successfully if it is representative, democratic, independent, competent and effective. The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung strengthens trade unions and other forms of organization all over the world.


Displacement, Migration, Integration

People flee from wars, discrimination, poverty or climate change. This offers opportunities and challenges – from the global down to the local level. How do we deal with this? (Picture: picture alliance/dpa)


Social Democracy Monitor

How can other states' reform experiences be used for and in Germany? We analyze political coalition blocs, as well as current political issues and offer country analyses.


Progressive, Active, Online

The IPS-Journal is a FES debate platform for questions of international and European politics.


Time For Justice!

Through discussions, workshops, readings, film screenings and exhibitions taking place within the framework of this year's "International Week of Justice", we want to explore ways of making the word more just.


New Trends in International Affairs

The Annual Conference at the Tiergarten is the FES' most important foreign and security policy conference.


Extraordinary Commitment

Every year, we present the FES Human Rights Prize to individuals or organizations that have shown extraordinary commitment to justice in different parts the world.


Connecting People in the Spirit of Social Democracy

The most compelling debates and stories from the German and international networks of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, in English.


Nueva Sociedad

Since 1972, the FES has been publishing one of Latin America's most renowned political and social science journals – in Spanish, Portuguese and German.


Newsletter for New Publications

The FES regularly releases publications on international subjects. Our newsletter informs you of the most current ones. In order to subscribe, just send us an email:



Publications are a central instrument of our international work. The international FES offices and departments in Berlin regularly publish analyses and studies, assessments, policy documents and briefings on current issues and questions.

Current publications can be found in our list of new releases.

Publications sorted by country and region

You are interested in a certain country or region? You can find a clearly organized list of all FES publications here.

All our international publications can be found and downloaded free of cost in our Digital Library.

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