Today: Livestream of our Ceremony with Federal President Steinmeier

Contact partners

Museum curator: 
Elisabeth Neu

Museum education department:
Margret Dietzen and Jeannine Huster

Public relations/events:
Eva Wagner

2018 Opening hours

May 5-November 4, 2018:
Daily 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
(Please note special opening times on May 5, 2018!)

November 5-December 30, 2018:
Monday 1-5 p.m.
Tuesday-Sunday 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

Closed in 2018:
December 24, 25, 26, 31

2018 Admission prices for Karl-Marx-Haus

Groups (minimum of 12 persons) per person
School classes per person
Family ticket (2 adults with 1-4 children)
Trier Card
Trier Museum Night


5,00 €
3,50 €
3,50 €
1,00 €
9,00 €
3,50 €
8,00 €


Time slot for groups (12 to 25 persons) without tour                                                                      € 20.00
Can be booked only through the Trier Tourismus und Marketing GmbH (ttm):

Karl-Marx Card

Karl-Marx-Card, reduced        
Karl-Marx-Card, groups per person



20,00 €
18,00 €
18,00 €


The Karl-Marx Card is valid from May 5 to October 21, 2018, and entitles the holder to a one-time admission to the state exhibition “Karl Marx (1818-1883). Life. Works. Times” in the Trier Rheinische Landesmuseum and in the Municipal Museum Simeonstift, to the special exhibition “LebensWert Arbeit” (worthwhile work) in the Cathedral Museum and to the Karl-Marx Haus Museum. The Karl-Marx Card is available in all four museums and at the Trier Tourismus und Marketing GmbH (ttm).

Tour Fees

Tour Fees for groups (up to 25 persons)

German (75 Min.)
Language other than German (75 Min.)
(English, Français, Nederlands, Chinese)

For school classes          


   85,00 €
100,00 €

no admission fee


Tours according to arrangement with the Karl-Marx-Haus and according to availability.

Booking tours:

+49-651-97068-119 or -115
or through the Trier Tourismus und Marketing GmbH (ttm):

Please note: For organizational reasons, no tours for groups can be booked for either May 5 or May 6, 2018!

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