Progressive Economic Policy for Europe
About this Blog
As was the case with the all-too-recent financial, economic and euro crisis, the current corona crisis shows that, for Germany and Europe, both stable and economically, environmentally, socially and fiscally sustainable economic development remains a distant goal. On top of this come the yet-to-be unresolved challenges thrown up by various megatrends that have been around for a long time: climate change, digitalisation, demographic change, increasing economic and social inequality and globalisation.
In our blog series, we have accompanied the German EU Council Presidency with many progressive ideas and arguments on economic policy, developed proposals for solutions to current challenges and showed - from a progressive perspective - how more sustainable economic development can be achieved in Germany and Europe economically, environmentally, socially and fiscally.
What negative developments have we seen? How can they be corrected? What economic-policy measures are appropriate? What do we need to learn from experiences during the corona crisis?
In addition to the contributions by English-speaking authors, selected German blog texts have been translated into English.
Any questions? Get in touch! wirtschaftspolitik(at)