All Publications

Saving tomorrow - today?

International perspectives in the run-up to the UN Climate Change Conference 2011 in Durban
Berlin;Bonn, 2011

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Fuelling the world - failing the region?

Oil governance and development in Africa's Gulf of Guinea
Abuja;Bonn, 2011

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Sustainable energy mix and policy framework for Jordan

Amman;Bonn, 2012

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Mehling, Michael

From "Brokenhagen" to "Cancún can!"

the Cancún climate summit and its significance for transatlantic relations
Berlin;Bonn, 2010

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Prospects for U.S. climate policy

national action and international cooperation in a changed political landscape
Berlin;Bonn, 2010

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Andoura, Sami

Energy cooperation under the aegis of the Weimar Triangle

springboard for a common European energy policy
Berlin;Bonn, 2010

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Fischer, Severin; Leinen, Josef M.

Course corrections for Cancún

the European Union and international climate politics
Berlin;Bonn, 2010

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Adam, Mohammed Amin

Fiscal policy options for managing an oil economy

Accra, 2014

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Kuzu, Daniela; Nantogmah, Danaa

The oil economy and the resource curse syndrome

can Ghana make a difference?
Accra, 2014

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Clark, Michael T.

Governance challenges in financing green and sustainable energy policies

Berlin;Bonn, 2010

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Peckenham, Emily M.

Disaster in the Gulf - inaction in Congress

who to trust?
WashingtonDC;Bonn, 2010

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Orellana, Marcos A.; Kothari, MIloon; Chaudhry, Shivani

Climate change in the work of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

Genf;Bonn, 2011

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Luhmann, Hans-Jochen

Auf dem Weg zur post-fossilen Industriegesellschaft

der mehrdimensionale Ansatz in der Politik von USA und EU
Berlin, 2010

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Turri, Philipp

Private sector participation in water services provision

Genf, 2010, 2011

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Gelbspan, Thea

The human rights of the poor in a changing global climate

Genf, 2010, 2011

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