All Publications on International Community and Civil Society

Graždaninăt i institucijata

Bonn, 2003

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Dauderstädt, Michael; Lippert, Barbara

No integration without differentiation

on the strategy for a scaled Eastern enlargement of the European Union
Bonn, 1997

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[Die Zivilgesellschaft im Libanon

(Seminar vom 24.-25. Mai 1996)
Bonn, 2004

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Tealakh, Gali Oda

Post-cold war developments in the Middle East and Europe

Bonn, 2004

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Gonzales, Anthony P.

Caribbean - EU relations in a post-Lomé world

Bonn, 2001

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Knoop, Joachim

Die Wiederentdeckung des Bürgers

Bausteine für die kommunalpolitische Kooperation der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Lateinamerika
Bonn, 1998, 2010

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Grynberg, Roman

The Pacific ACP states and the end of the Lomé convention

Bonn, 2001

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[Die Zivilgesellschaft im Libanon

Bonn, 2004

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The dialogue between civilizations

the UAE and Germany
Bonn, 2004

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Test-Titel Schlagwort = Internationale / en

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