All Publications on International Community and Civil Society

Sociedad civil y seguridad regional

retos para una articulación democrática
Bonn, 2006

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Owen, John M.

Why American hegemony is here to stay

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Czempiel, Ernst-Otto

Europe's mission

pushing for a participative world order

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Dorronsoro, Gilles

Afghanistan: the delusions of victory

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Moss, Kenneth B.

Reasserting American exceptionalism - confronting the world

the national security strategy of the Bush administration

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Menashri, David

Iran after the fall of Baghdad

implications for western foreign and security policy
Bonn, 2003

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Prendergast, John

Bush administration policy on Africa

Bonn, 2003

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Traub-Merz, Rudolf

Consultation of non-state actors under the new ACP-EU partnership agreement

empirical survey of 17 countries in Sub-Saharian Africa
Bonn, 2003

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Eberhardt, Pia

Civil society in Southern Africa on the way to Cancún

interest, problems, and strategies
Berlin, 2003

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Bielenstein, Dieter

The social dimension of globalization

a critical assessment by civil society ; conference report
Berlin, 2003

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Nuscheler, Franz

Civil-society actors

a democratic corrective for international organizations?
Berlin, 2003

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Liontas, A.

WTO trade negotiations on non-agricultural market access and the ACP countries

commissioned by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Geneva Office for ACP Geneva Office
Genf, 2003, 2007

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Feduta, Aleksandr; Boguckij, Oleg; Martinovič, Viktor

Politische Parteien in Belarus als notwendiger Bestandteil der Zivilgesellschaft

Minsk;Bonn, 2010

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Feduta, Aleksandr; Boguckij, Oleg; Martinovič, Viktor

Političeskie partii Belarusi - neobchodimaja čast' graždanskogo obščestva

materialy seminara
Minsk;Bonn, 2010

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Martens, Jens

The future of multilateralism after Monterrey and Johannesburg

Berlin, 2003

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